Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Santa Clara, CA 95051
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Santa Clara CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Calvary Baptist Church of Santa Clara | 408-248-7970 | 3137 Forbes Ave | Santa Clara | CA | 95051 |
Christian Church Santa Clara | 408-241-2375 | 1821 Bowers Ave | Santa Clara | CA | 95051 |
Church in Santa Clara The | 408-249-6795 | 3550 Benton St | Santa Clara | CA | 95051 |
Church of Christ | 408-241-0159 | 850 Pomeroy Ave | Santa Clara | CA | 95051 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 408-985-1668 | 875 Quince Ave | Santa Clara | CA | 95051 |
Hope Lutheran Church Elca | 408-248-3668 | 2383 Pacific Dr | Santa Clara | CA | 95051 |
Jehovah's Witnesses | 408-248-2414 | 2900 Homestead Rd | Santa Clara | CA | 95051 |
Korean Emmanuel Presbyterian Ch | 408-244-2247 | 2526 Homestead Rd | Santa Clara | CA | 95051 |
Neighborhood Church Santa Clara | 408-241-5365 | 1290 Pomeroy Ave | Santa Clara | CA | 95051 |
Peace Lutheran W E L S & Santa Clara | 408-248-3484 | 885 Pomeroy Ave | Santa Clara | CA | 95051 |
Santa Clara First Baptist | 408-241-7635 | 3111 Benton St | Santa Clara | CA | 95051 |
Springs of Life Christian Cente | 408-735-9400 | 2180 San Rafael Ave | Santa Clara | CA | 95051 |
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