Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Sunnyvale, CA 94087
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Sunnyvale CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Appleseed Montessori School | 408-245-7338 | 1302 Warner Ave | Sunnyvale | CA | 94087 |
C U S D Center for Children & Fami | 408-749-0742 | 572 Dunholme Way | Sunnyvale | CA | 94087 |
Cherry Chase Elementary School | 408-522-8241 | 1138 Heatherstone Way | Sunnyvale | CA | 94087 |
Cupertino Middle School | 408-245-0303 | 1650 S Bernardo Ave | Sunnyvale | CA | 94087 |
Cupertino Union School District | 408-245-0148 | 1635 Belleville Way | Sunnyvale | CA | 94087 |
French American School of Silicon Vall | 408-746-0460 | 1522 Lewiston Dr | Sunnyvale | CA | 94087 |
New Start Fremont High School | 408-739-6167 | 1279 Sunnyvale Saratoga R | Sunnyvale | CA | 94087 |
Sunnyvale Middle School | 408-522-8288 | 1080 Mango Ave | Sunnyvale | CA | 94087 |
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