Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Attorneys in Santa Cruz, CA 95062
* Each listing below of Attorneys Information for Santa Cruz CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A Courtroom Is A Battlefield | 831-423-9393 | 1414 Soquel Ave | Santa Cruz | CA | 95062 |
Adams Diana K Cartwright Fult | 831-457-1700 | 340 Soquel Ave | Santa Cruz | CA | 95062 |
Attorney's Eviction Service Ernest | 831-427-2114 | 555 Soquel Ave | Santa Cruz | CA | 95062 |
Bodmer Lawler Kathleen Attorney at Law | 831-462-3220 | 1280 17th Ave | Santa Cruz | CA | 95062 |
Book & Book Llp Attorneys at La | 831-427-5132 | 1414 Soquel Ave Ste 203 | Santa Cruz | CA | 95062 |
Brewington Kathleen | 831-459-8498 | 555 Soquel Ave Ste 320 | Santa Cruz | CA | 95062 |
Britton Myrna R Atty | 831-457-0207 | 848 Hanover St | Santa Cruz | CA | 95062 |
Brumbach Allison Attorney at Law | 831-420-0874 | 100 Doyle St | Santa Cruz | CA | 95062 |
Charlie Stevens | 831-466-0184 | 331 Soquel Ave | Santa Cruz | CA | 95062 |
Comstock Austin B Comstock Thomz | 831-427-2727 | 340 Soquel Ave Ste 205 | Santa Cruz | CA | 95062 |
Curtis Michael Atty | 831-425-4660 | 1726 Seabright Ave | Santa Cruz | CA | 95062 |
Dews Georgina Attorney at Law | 831-459-8312 | 100 Doyle St Ste A | Santa Cruz | CA | 95062 |
Fitzpatrick Spini & Swanston | 831-426-5200 | 340 Soquel Ave Ste 115 | Santa Cruz | CA | 95062 |
Hoesing Chad Cpa | 831-425-7193 | 331 Soquel Ave Ste 205 | Santa Cruz | CA | 95062 |
House Wanda Attorney at Law | 831-462-1234 | 1414 Soquel Ave Ste 212 | Santa Cruz | CA | 95062 |
James | 831-429-0181 | 700 Frederick St Ste 306 | Santa Cruz | CA | 95062 |
Jay | 831-475-4457 | 1714 Brommer St | Santa Cruz | CA | 95062 |
Lawrie Shelley Law Office of | 831-454-0542 | 1721 Seabright Ave | Santa Cruz | CA | 95062 |
Ludlow Robert H Jr Atty | 831-475-5592 | 365 Lake Ave | Santa Cruz | CA | 95062 |
Maloney Emily Atty | 831-479-8872 | 180 33rd Ave | Santa Cruz | CA | 95062 |
Mark | 831-462-2777 | 1812 Hector Ln | Santa Cruz | CA | 95062 |
Meltzer Paul B | 831-426-6000 | 340 Soquel Ave Ste 212 | Santa Cruz | CA | 95062 |
Rice Benjamin | 831-425-0555 | 331 Soquel Ave Ste 203 | Santa Cruz | CA | 95062 |
Thomas Alisa S | 831-475-4888 | 1234 Brommer St | Santa Cruz | CA | 95062 |
Weist Cameron A Atty | 831-460-3966 | 519 Seabright Ave | Santa Cruz | CA | 95062 |
Wells Kate Attorney at Law | 831-479-4475 | 2600 Fresno St | Santa Cruz | CA | 95062 |
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