Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Auto Repair in Santa Cruz, CA 95060
* Each listing below of Auto Repair Information for Santa Cruz CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Acura Asian Car Specialists Gre | 831-429-1800 | 125 Front St | Santa Cruz | CA | 95060 |
Advanced Collision Center | 831-426-7170 | 122 Hubbard St | Santa Cruz | CA | 95060 |
Chris Bordner Auto Body | 831-423-1301 | 130 Center St | Santa Cruz | CA | 95060 |
Chuck Fanucci Auto Body and Frame | 831-426-5552 | 211 McPherson St | Santa Cruz | CA | 95060 |
Comprehensive Mechanics | 831-423-2280 | 115 McPherson St | Santa Cruz | CA | 95060 |
Eastman Motors | 831-423-2120 | 325 Ingalls St | Santa Cruz | CA | 95060 |
Goodyear Tire & Auto Service | 831-423-0100 | 220 Lincoln St | Santa Cruz | CA | 95060 |
Holiday Muffler & Brakes | 831-426-2204 | 309 Front St | Santa Cruz | CA | 95060 |
Legacy Automotive | 831-429-8434 | 318 River St Ste G | Santa Cruz | CA | 95060 |
Mercedes Benz Service by Water Star M | 831-457-0996 | 318 River St | Santa Cruz | CA | 95060 |
Mercedes Benz Service C Gul Industries | 831-465-8527 | 2829 S Rodeo Gulch Rd | Santa Cruz | CA | 95060 |
Midas | 831-426-2485 | 1218 Ocean St | Santa Cruz | CA | 95060 |
Perrigo's Auto Body Shop Inc | 831-423-3251 | 251 Washington St | Santa Cruz | CA | 95060 |
Polar Automotive & Radiator Servic | 831-423-8100 | 114 Coral St | Santa Cruz | CA | 95060 |
Ron Cash's Automotive Service | 831-423-4843 | 619 River St | Santa Cruz | CA | 95060 |
Santa Cruz Auto Body | 831-423-6321 | 324 River St # A | Santa Cruz | CA | 95060 |
Santa Cruz Motorsports | 831-458-1155 | 211 Cedar St | Santa Cruz | CA | 95060 |
Scott's Body Shop | 831-426-1800 | 140 Center St | Santa Cruz | CA | 95060 |
Weston's Auto | 831-458-2267 | 1298 Fair Ave | Santa Cruz | CA | 95060 |
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