Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Home Builders in Watsonville, CA 95076
* Each listing below of Home Builders Information for Watsonville CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A & C Construction | 831-763-2538 | 113 Linden Rd | Watsonville | CA | 95076 |
Bill Knowlton Construction | 831-722-1730 | 45 Aviation Way | Watsonville | CA | 95076 |
Carroll Construction | 831-375-0296 | 561 Auto Center Dr | Watsonville | CA | 95076 |
Community Tree Service & Dumpster Rent | 831-426-6340 | 330 Jefferson St | Watsonville | CA | 95076 |
D C Construction | 831-728-0515 | 6020 Sherry Lee Ln | Watsonville | CA | 95076 |
Davis G W Inc Contr | 831-722-2736 | 2600 E Lake Ave | Watsonville | CA | 95076 |
Dorrian John M Construction | 831-722-0601 | 775 Senda Ladera | Watsonville | CA | 95076 |
Fiorovich John Construction | 831-724-1636 | 48 Fruitland Ave | Watsonville | CA | 95076 |
Granite Construction Company | 831-724-1011 | 585 W Beach St | Watsonville | CA | 95076 |
Halderman Construction Inc | 831-722-0444 | 373 Merk Rd | Watsonville | CA | 95076 |
Hargis Home Improvements | 831-722-6104 | 103 Rogers Ave | Watsonville | CA | 95076 |
Iniguez Construction | 831-728-9059 | 7 Gregory Rd | Watsonville | CA | 95076 |
Juan Rodriguez Concrete Contractor | 831-722-1312 | 422 Amesti Rd | Watsonville | CA | 95076 |
Linneman Wm Construction | 831-724-4601 | 215 Harrington Rd | Watsonville | CA | 95076 |
Lucino's Genral Construction | 831-761-9450 | 13 Minto Rd | Watsonville | CA | 95076 |
Miller Dennis H Construction | 831-722-3172 | 961 Brewington Ct | Watsonville | CA | 95076 |
Oscon Construction | 831-724-8685 | 14485 Ridgecrest Rd | Watsonville | CA | 95076 |
Peninsula Construction | 831-722-5445 | 251 E Lake Ave Ste 8 | Watsonville | CA | 95076 |
Spencer James General Contractor | 831-761-9619 | 452 Browns Valley Rd | Watsonville | CA | 95076 |
Standard Pacific Homes | 831-722-2055 | 35 Paseo Dr | Watsonville | CA | 95076 |
Streib Construction | 831-728-2088 | 150 Wheelock Rd | Watsonville | CA | 95076 |
Superior Structures | 831-768-7001 | 518 Manzana St | Watsonville | CA | 95076 |
Swank Ronald Construction | 831-724-6442 | 30 Jeanette Way | Watsonville | CA | 95076 |
Turner Michael Construction | 831-724-7500 | 82 Mount Madonna Rd | Watsonville | CA | 95076 |
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