Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Homes in Watsonville, CA 95076
* Each listing below of Homes Information for Watsonville CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Advantage Properties | 831-688-1515 | 308 Playa Blvd # G | Watsonville | CA | 95076 |
Altas Realty | 831-786-9999 | 563 Auto Center Dr | Watsonville | CA | 95076 |
Betz George Farm Real Estate | 831-724-5959 | 255 Eureka Canyon Rd | Watsonville | CA | 95076 |
Black Horse Reality | 831-786-3900 | 918 E Lake Ave | Watsonville | CA | 95076 |
Burgstrom Kramer Inc Realtors | 831-724-2343 | 21 Brennan St Ste 16 | Watsonville | CA | 95076 |
Campos Real Estate | 831-728-4276 | 617 E Lake Ave | Watsonville | CA | 95076 |
Cdm Real Estate Co | 831-728-5588 | 444 Airport Blvd | Watsonville | CA | 95076 |
Central Coast Realty | 831-722-1018 | 821 E Lake Ave | Watsonville | CA | 95076 |
Century 21 | 831-636-4836 | 713 E Lake Ave | Watsonville | CA | 95076 |
Choate Realty | 831-728-1495 | 1021 E Lake Ave | Watsonville | CA | 95076 |
Crystal Bay Realty | 831-728-2122 | 40 Zils Rd | Watsonville | CA | 95076 |
David Lyng Real Estate | 831-763-6700 | 55 Penny Ln Ste 102 | Watsonville | CA | 95076 |
Daw Properties | 831-724-3825 | 933 Freedom Blvd | Watsonville | CA | 95076 |
Era Ponderosa Realty | 831-688-5100 | 113 E Lake Ave | Watsonville | CA | 95076 |
Flat-Rate Realty Com | 831-424-5700 | 1205 Freedom Blvd | Watsonville | CA | 95076 |
Freedom Mortgage & Investments | 831-761-1650 | 1103 Freedom Blvd | Watsonville | CA | 95076 |
Lyng David Associates Realtors | 831-786-1446 | 55 Penny Ln | Watsonville | CA | 95076 |
Mercantile Mexicana Inc | 831-768-0947 | 21 Bishop St | Watsonville | CA | 95076 |
Monterey Bay Realty | 831-761-6500 | 1052 S Green Valley Rd | Watsonville | CA | 95076 |
Petroutsas Bros | 831-768-7878 | 349 Main St | Watsonville | CA | 95076 |
Quintero Real Estate | 831-763-9283 | 1205 Lincoln St | Watsonville | CA | 95076 |
Realty Executives of Santa Cruz Coun | 831-464-6600 | 1035 Pajaro Hills Ct | Watsonville | CA | 95076 |
Sherman & Boone Associates | 831-724-4100 | 1838 Main St | Watsonville | CA | 95076 |
Tri City Real Estate & Mortgage | 831-724-0572 | 44 Mariposa Ave | Watsonville | CA | 95076 |
Tri-City Real Estate | 831-724-7760 | 1946 Main St | Watsonville | CA | 95076 |
Tri-County Real Estate | 831-722-3188 | 90 Mariposa Ave | Watsonville | CA | 95076 |
Wagoner Orrin Real Estate | 831-724-4178 | 672 Bronte Ave | Watsonville | CA | 95076 |
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