Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Caterers in Redding, CA 96002
* Each listing below of Caterers Information for Redding CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Applejacks | 530-221-1707 | 3336 Bechelli Ln | Redding | CA | 96002 |
Bake-A-Rama | 530-221-2211 | 2658 Hilltop Dr | Redding | CA | 96002 |
Colonel Sanders Kentucky Fried | 530-222-4556 | 847 E Cypress Ave | Redding | CA | 96002 |
Demercurio's Fine Dining | 530-222-1307 | 1647 Hartnell Ave Ste 21 | Redding | CA | 96002 |
Don's Sandwich Shop & Delicatessen | 530-223-3744 | 3034 Bechelli Ln | Redding | CA | 96002 |
Dubes Deli & Take'n Bake Pizza | 530-223-4900 | 92 Hartnell Ave | Redding | CA | 96002 |
Fat Daddy's Gourmet Bbq | 530-221-6270 | 942 Hartnell Ave | Redding | CA | 96002 |
Sailing Boat Restaurant | 530-222-6868 | 2772 Churn Creek Rd | Redding | CA | 96002 |
Sausage Factory and Cafe | 530-221-8277 | 1244 Hartnell Ave | Redding | CA | 96002 |
Sinclair's Mediterranean D | 530-223-4646 | 5200 Churn Creek Rd Ste K | Redding | CA | 96002 |
Subway | 530-222-8855 | 2191 Hilltop Dr | Redding | CA | 96002 |
Taj Mahal Fine Indian Cuisine | 530-221-4655 | 40 Hartnell Ave | Redding | CA | 96002 |
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