Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Redding, CA 96001
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Redding CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Berean Bible Church | 530-243-8938 | 1725 East St | Redding | CA | 96001 |
Bonnyview Baptist Church | 530-241-8558 | 2570 S Bonnyview Rd | Redding | CA | 96001 |
Calvary Chapel of Shasta Lake Cit | 530-275-3135 | 4302 Shasta Dam Blvd | Redding | CA | 96001 |
Christian Life Center | 530-223-2641 | Hilltop Dr & Brownin | Redding | CA | 96001 |
Christian Science Church & Readin | 530-241-1541 | 1740 Butte St | Redding | CA | 96001 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 530-244-9884 | 3950 Sunflower Dr | Redding | CA | 96001 |
Faith Community Church of Redding | 530-246-4517 | 1250 California St | Redding | CA | 96001 |
First Baptist Church of Redding | 530-243-5356 | 1959 Eureka Way | Redding | CA | 96001 |
First Presbyterian Church | 530-243-4847 | 2315 Placer St | Redding | CA | 96001 |
Islamic Center of Redding | 530-243-4137 | 3510 Railroad Ave | Redding | CA | 96001 |
Pilgrim Congregational Church | 530-243-3121 | 2850 Foothill Blvd | Redding | CA | 96001 |
Shasta Baptist Church & Schools | 530-246-3494 | 5221 Cedars Rd | Redding | CA | 96001 |
Shasta Missionary Baptist Church | 530-241-9442 | 1929 8th St | Redding | CA | 96001 |
The End Times | 530-241-5905 | 1871 Kenyon Dr | Redding | CA | 96001 |
Unity Church of Redding | 530-246-9544 | 1370 Yuba St | Redding | CA | 96001 |
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