Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Redding, CA 96002
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Redding CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Beacon Missionary Baptist Church | 530-221-7849 | 2170 Hartnell Ave | Redding | CA | 96002 |
Church of Christ | 530-221-5393 | 3504 Alta Mesa Dr | Redding | CA | 96002 |
Cornerstone Community Church | 530-222-8440 | 2615 Victor Ave | Redding | CA | 96002 |
Grace Baptist Church | 530-222-2128 | 3782 Churn Creek Rd | Redding | CA | 96002 |
Hope Baptist Church | 530-222-5231 | 4080 Churn Creek Rd | Redding | CA | 96002 |
Jesus Name Apostolic Church Inc | 530-365-9661 | 20651 Fig Tree Ln | Redding | CA | 96002 |
Lassen View Community Church | 530-365-7435 | 20866 Fig Tree Ln | Redding | CA | 96002 |
Mt Calvary Lutheran Church Wisconsi | 530-221-2451 | 3961 Alta Mesa Dr | Redding | CA | 96002 |
North Valley Baptist Church Independ | 530-221-4871 | 2960 Hartnell Ave | Redding | CA | 96002 |
Redding Christian Fellowship | 530-222-3425 | 2157 Victor Ave | Redding | CA | 96002 |
River City Church | 530-221-8383 | 5211 Churn Creek Rd | Redding | CA | 96002 |
Second Baptist Church | 530-222-4041 | 2560 Bunker St | Redding | CA | 96002 |
St James Church | 530-221-6474 | 2500 Shasta View Dr | Redding | CA | 96002 |
Trinity Lutheran Church and School | 530-221-6686 | 2440 Hilltop Dr | Redding | CA | 96002 |
Valley Christian Fellowship | 530-221-0107 | 3180 Rancho Rd | Redding | CA | 96002 |
Vineyard City Church | 530-223-0919 | 3276 Bechelli Ln | Redding | CA | 96002 |
Word of Life Ministries | 530-222-2087 | 20276 Skypark Dr | Redding | CA | 96002 |
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