Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Caterers in Vallejo, CA 94590
* Each listing below of Caterers Information for Vallejo CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
101 Fish & Chips | 707-556-9228 | 306 Georgia St | Vallejo | CA | 94590 |
Alex's Catering | 707-643-1711 | 300 Virginia St | Vallejo | CA | 94590 |
Bon Chicken & Taqueria | 707-649-8616 | 402 Georgia St | Vallejo | CA | 94590 |
City Lights Cafe & Catering | 707-557-9200 | 415 Virginia St | Vallejo | CA | 94590 |
Del Pueblo | 707-644-0830 | 1220 Monterey St | Vallejo | CA | 94590 |
Front Room the Wharf | 707-649-8889 | 295 Mare Island Way | Vallejo | CA | 94590 |
La Huasteca Restaurant | 707-648-8833 | 901 Redwood St | Vallejo | CA | 94590 |
La Tapatia Market | 707-551-4890 | 601 Broadway St | Vallejo | CA | 94590 |
Neneng's Kakanin Caterering Serv | 707-643-8617 | 1030 Tennessee St | Vallejo | CA | 94590 |
Nujo's Pizza Italian Restaurant | 707-557-6012 | 1201 Georgia St | Vallejo | CA | 94590 |
Pipkin's Pit Bbq & Lady Nisee's | 707-553-2053 | 1598 1624 Fairgrou | Vallejo | CA | 94590 |
Princess Garden | 707-648-0808 | 3611 Sonoma Blvd | Vallejo | CA | 94590 |
Rafael's Catering Service | 707-642-9504 | 616 Nebraska St | Vallejo | CA | 94590 |
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