Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Modesto, CA 95350
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Modesto CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abundant Life Messianic Ministries | 209-526-3680 | 2705 Hemminger Way | Modesto | CA | 95350 |
Baha'i Faith Regional Center | 209-579-1946 | 1100 Carver Rd Frnt | Modesto | CA | 95350 |
Bible Baptist Church | 209-524-1002 | 1901 W Rumble Rd | Modesto | CA | 95350 |
Centenary United Methodist Churc | 209-527-5441 | 1911 Toyon Ave | Modesto | CA | 95350 |
Central Valley Christian Fello | 209-522-7283 | 1161 Carver Rd | Modesto | CA | 95350 |
Ceres Christian Church | 209-537-8931 | 3502 Roeding Rd | Modesto | CA | 95350 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 209-551-3403 | 2618 Fine Ave | Modesto | CA | 95350 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 209-523-6991 | 1105 W Orangeburg Ave | Modesto | CA | 95350 |
Church of Jesus Christ The | 209-523-4941 | 329 W Briggsmore Ave | Modesto | CA | 95350 |
College Ave Congregational | 209-522-7244 | 1341 College Ave | Modesto | CA | 95350 |
Comunidad Christiana De Modesto | 209-521-6568 | 2200 Sunrise Ave | Modesto | CA | 95350 |
Dave's Appliance Service | 209-529-1026 | 1901 Skylane Way | Modesto | CA | 95350 |
Davis Park Church of Christ | 209-522-7226 | 901 W Rumble Rd | Modesto | CA | 95350 |
Emanuel Lutheran Church Elca | 209-523-4531 | 324 College Ave | Modesto | CA | 95350 |
First Baptist Church | 209-521-0181 | 12th Street Needham | Modesto | CA | 95350 |
Free Will Baptist Church of Modes | 209-577-5035 | 225 E Orangeburg Ave | Modesto | CA | 95350 |
Garden Wedding Chapel | 209-523-4456 | 6th & K | Modesto | CA | 95350 |
Geneva Presbyterian Church | 209-524-6841 | 1229 E Fairmont Ave | Modesto | CA | 95350 |
Grace Church Orthodox Presbyterian | 209-522-5922 | 1448 Standiford Ave | Modesto | CA | 95350 |
Grace Lutheran Church & School Lcms | 209-522-8890 | 617 W Orangeburg Ave | Modesto | CA | 95350 |
Herald General Baptist Church | 209-524-4100 | 2120 Prescott Rd | Modesto | CA | 95350 |
Modesto Christian Reformed Church | 209-523-1906 | 2620 College Ave | Modesto | CA | 95350 |
North Modesto Church of God | 209-521-9148 | 1918 Sherwood Ave | Modesto | CA | 95350 |
Orangeburg Ave Baptist Church | 209-577-2575 | 313 E Orangeburg Ave | Modesto | CA | 95350 |
Sherwood Bible Church | 209-522-3496 | 505 Floyd Ave | Modesto | CA | 95350 |
Trinity Southern Baptist Church | 209-522-1421 | 1346 Ronald Ave | Modesto | CA | 95350 |
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