Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Modesto, CA 95351
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Modesto CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Apostolic Assembly First Church of | 209-524-1762 | 917 Sonora Ave | Modesto | CA | 95351 |
Baptist Temple of Modesto | 209-523-2580 | 705 Paradise Rd | Modesto | CA | 95351 |
Bible Way Tabernacle | 209-527-3510 | 502 Broadway Ave | Modesto | CA | 95351 |
Central Ave General Baptist Church | 209-538-7545 | 944 N Central Ave | Modesto | CA | 95351 |
Central Baptist Church | 209-524-5461 | 727 Sutter Ave | Modesto | CA | 95351 |
Christian Love Baptist Church | 209-576-1034 | 202 H St | Modesto | CA | 95351 |
Dominion Christian Center | 209-579-0338 | 1031 Kansas Ave | Modesto | CA | 95351 |
First Christian Methodist Episc | 209-526-9464 | 208 Pine St | Modesto | CA | 95351 |
Greater True Light Baptist Church | 209-526-5539 | 1417 Harris Ave | Modesto | CA | 95351 |
Iglesia Bautista Emanuel | 209-572-4770 | 1318 Hays St | Modesto | CA | 95351 |
Maze Blvd Christian Church | 209-524-7543 | 725 Maze Blvd | Modesto | CA | 95351 |
New Harvest Christian Fellowship | 209-527-0336 | 1360 Lone Palm Ave | Modesto | CA | 95351 |
Progressive Missionary Baptist Church | 209-527-0641 | 530 4th St | Modesto | CA | 95351 |
Saint James African Methodist Episc | 209-522-7073 | 710 N Martin Luther King D | Modesto | CA | 95351 |
Second Baptist Church Food Bank | 209-529-5493 | 529 California Ave | Modesto | CA | 95351 |
The Carpenter's House | 209-526-1971 | 1105 S Carpenter Rd | Modesto | CA | 95351 |
True Love Family Church | 209-523-9734 | 507 S 9th St | Modesto | CA | 95351 |
Universal Church | 209-544-1235 | 1102 Leo Ave | Modesto | CA | 95351 |
Vio Tororosa Church | 209-544-2478 | 1331 Cascade Ave | Modesto | CA | 95351 |
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