Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Oakdale, CA 95361
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Oakdale CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Apostolic Assembly by the Faith in Je | 209-847-2849 | 185 East Ave | Oakdale | CA | 95361 |
Church of Christ | 209-847-3325 | 33 N Lee Ave | Oakdale | CA | 95361 |
Church of Christ | 209-847-2268 | 620 W F St | Oakdale | CA | 95361 |
Community Christian Reformed Church | 209-847-5692 | W F St & Church Ave | Oakdale | CA | 95361 |
Community United Methodist Churc | 209-847-7777 | 1480 Poplar St | Oakdale | CA | 95361 |
First Baptist Church | 209-847-2363 | 162 N 2nd Ave | Oakdale | CA | 95361 |
First General Baptist Church | 209-847-3593 | 122 Ash Ave | Oakdale | CA | 95361 |
First Missionary Baptist Church | 209-847-6204 | 1141 Walnut St | Oakdale | CA | 95361 |
Knights Ferry Community Church | 209-881-3550 | PO Box 806 | Oakdale | CA | 95361 |
Oak Valley Church | 209-847-2213 | 175 S Bryan Ave | Oakdale | CA | 95361 |
Oakdale Community Church | 209-847-3164 | 311 N 8th Ave | Oakdale | CA | 95361 |
River Oak Grace Community Churc | 209-847-9428 | 7712 Rodden Rd | Oakdale | CA | 95361 |
Sierra Baptist Church | 209-847-2464 | 74 N Lee Ave | Oakdale | CA | 95361 |
Sierra Foothills Community Churc | 209-847-2914 | 1040 W F St | Oakdale | CA | 95361 |
St Luke Lutheran Church Mo Synod | 209-847-0607 | 120 West Ave | Oakdale | CA | 95361 |
True Vine Apostolic Fellowship | 209-847-4860 | 233 E G St | Oakdale | CA | 95361 |
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