Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Homes in Modesto, CA 95354
* Each listing below of Homes Information for Modesto CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Allstar Properties | 209-522-8833 | 1219 E St | Modesto | CA | 95354 |
American Financial & Real Estate Inc | 209-577-1800 | 400 12th St | Modesto | CA | 95354 |
Arrow Real Estate | 209-523-1221 | 309 Santa Rita Ave | Modesto | CA | 95354 |
Atrend Real Estate | 209-576-0997 | 704 I St | Modesto | CA | 95354 |
Baker Real Estate & Investments | 209-576-7070 | 610 13th St | Modesto | CA | 95354 |
California Equity Management Grou | 209-549-9249 | 1120 13th St | Modesto | CA | 95354 |
California Real Estate Services | 209-529-6900 | 1024 J St | Modesto | CA | 95354 |
Christiansen Real Estate | 209-525-3640 | 121 Rue De Yoe | Modesto | CA | 95354 |
Continental Real Estate | 209-526-0804 | 1111 Yosemite Blvd | Modesto | CA | 95354 |
Deboer Real Estate | 209-578-1122 | 1214 11th St Ste 1 | Modesto | CA | 95354 |
Delvalle Homes | 209-550-0700 | 1012 10th St | Modesto | CA | 95354 |
Diehl Real Estate | 209-524-9284 | 400 12th St Ste 6 | Modesto | CA | 95354 |
Doscher Eckert & Associates | 209-522-8254 | 918 13th St Frnt | Modesto | CA | 95354 |
F & H Realty | 209-578-4231 | 115 Rue De Yoe | Modesto | CA | 95354 |
Fidelity First Mortgage | 209-572-7575 | 823 17th St | Modesto | CA | 95354 |
Hurley & Co Realtors | 209-526-4895 | 920 16th St Ste D1 | Modesto | CA | 95354 |
Lighthouse Real Estate | 209-577-6814 | 717 16th St | Modesto | CA | 95354 |
Priority 1 Hurley & Company Real Es | 209-526-0600 | 529 14th St | Modesto | CA | 95354 |
Ramos Realty | 209-579-2272 | 400 12th St Ste 12 | Modesto | CA | 95354 |
Regency Real Estate & Property Manage | 209-577-4441 | 1008 13th St | Modesto | CA | 95354 |
Simvoulakis Real Estate | 209-578-9700 | 1400 K St Ste C1 | Modesto | CA | 95354 |
Stephen Richard Real Estate Broker | 209-573-8652 | 1200 G St Ste C | Modesto | CA | 95354 |
Toste Michael F Real Estate | 209-577-4213 | 3041 Poppypatch Dr | Modesto | CA | 95354 |
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