Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Modesto, CA 95351
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Modesto CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bash | 209-524-6818 | 212 S Carpenter Rd | Modesto | CA | 95351 |
Burbank Elementary School | 209-576-4709 | 1135 Paradise Rd | Modesto | CA | 95351 |
Central Catholic High School | 209-524-9611 | 200 S Carpenter Rd | Modesto | CA | 95351 |
Franklin Elementary School | 209-576-4850 | 120 S Emerald Ave | Modesto | CA | 95351 |
Kirschen Elementary School | 209-576-4611 | 1900 Kirschen Dr | Modesto | CA | 95351 |
Mark Twain Junior High School | 209-576-4814 | 707 S Emerald Ave | Modesto | CA | 95351 |
Marshall James Elementary Scho | 209-576-4697 | 515 Sutter Ave | Modesto | CA | 95351 |
Mission Hill Truck School | 209-491-2380 | 521 Bystrum Rd | Modesto | CA | 95351 |
Modesto City Schools | 209-576-4011 | 426 Locust St | Modesto | CA | 95351 |
Modesto City Schools | 209-576-4070 | 1200 N Carpenter Rd | Modesto | CA | 95351 |
Modesto City Schools | 209-576-4096 | 1017 Reno Ave | Modesto | CA | 95351 |
Modesto City Schools | 209-576-4075 | 1300 Woodland Ave | Modesto | CA | 95351 |
Modesto City Schools | 209-576-4015 | 1524 Woodland Ave | Modesto | CA | 95351 |
Modesto High School | 209-576-4401 | 18 H St | Modesto | CA | 95351 |
Pearson Ethel Elementary Scho | 209-576-4110 | 500 Locust St | Modesto | CA | 95351 |
Robertson Road Elementary Scho | 209-576-4646 | 1821 Robertson Rd | Modesto | CA | 95351 |
Shackelford Elementary School | 209-576-4831 | 100 School Ave | Modesto | CA | 95351 |
St Stanislaus School | 209-524-9036 | 1416 Maze Blvd | Modesto | CA | 95351 |
Summit Charter Academy | 209-538-8082 | 2036 E Hatch Rd | Modesto | CA | 95351 |
Tuolumne Elementary School | 209-576-4661 | 707 Herndon Rd | Modesto | CA | 95351 |
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