Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Turlock, CA 95382
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Turlock CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Aj's Cafe & Grill | 209-667-4661 | 2800 Geer Rd | Turlock | CA | 95382 |
Angelini's Italian Restaurant | 209-667-6644 | 2251 Geer Rd | Turlock | CA | 95382 |
Carl's Jr | 209-668-2749 | 2980 Geer Rd | Turlock | CA | 95382 |
Dechina Buffet | 209-668-9988 | 2860 Geer Rd | Turlock | CA | 95382 |
Del Mar Mexican Restaurant | 209-667-5651 | 2317 Geer Rd | Turlock | CA | 95382 |
El Asadero Taco Shop No 2 | 209-656-1778 | 150 W Monte Vista Ave | Turlock | CA | 95382 |
Jack in the Box Family Restaurants | 209-664-9173 | 2601 Geer Rd | Turlock | CA | 95382 |
Javi's Turlock Mexican Restaurant | 209-634-9463 | 118 E Monte Vista Ave | Turlock | CA | 95382 |
Kabob Place | 209-632-6611 | 2545 Geer Rd | Turlock | CA | 95382 |
Kabobs by Sonia | 209-667-4026 | 130 W Monte Vista Ave | Turlock | CA | 95382 |
Mariachis Mexican Restaurant | 209-632-7662 | 2669 Geer Rd | Turlock | CA | 95382 |
McDonald's Restaurant | 209-632-6874 | 2400 Geer Rd | Turlock | CA | 95382 |
Perkos Cafe | 209-634-4253 | 3191 Geer Rd | Turlock | CA | 95382 |
Season Tickets Sports Pub & Deli | 209-668-7408 | 170 W Monte Vista Ave | Turlock | CA | 95382 |
Sweet River Grill & Bar | 209-632-8900 | 2600 Geer Rd | Turlock | CA | 95382 |
Taco Bell | 209-667-8341 | 2700 Geer Rd | Turlock | CA | 95382 |
Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers | 209-632-9215 | 2395 Geer Rd | Turlock | CA | 95382 |
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