Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Porterville, CA 93257
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Porterville CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Agape Mission | 559-782-0163 | 1464 E Springville Ave | Porterville | CA | 93257 |
Baptist Church Central Valley | 559-781-5545 | 1000 N Newcomb St | Porterville | CA | 93257 |
Believers Church | 559-782-0531 | 222 N 2nd St | Porterville | CA | 93257 |
Calvary Baptist Church | 559-783-0857 | 1768 N Newcomb St | Porterville | CA | 93257 |
Church of Christ | 559-784-5498 | 811 Gerry Ln | Porterville | CA | 93257 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 559-784-6268 | 837 E Morton Ave | Porterville | CA | 93257 |
First Baptist Church | 559-784-1620 | 101 N G St | Porterville | CA | 93257 |
First Baptist Church Child Care Cent | 559-784-6688 | 81 N G St | Porterville | CA | 93257 |
First Christian Church Disciples of Ch | 559-784-1975 | 1020 N Prospect St | Porterville | CA | 93257 |
First Congregational Church | 559-784-5340 | 165 E Mill Ave | Porterville | CA | 93257 |
First Missionary Baptist Church | 559-781-4030 | 165 E Putnam Ave | Porterville | CA | 93257 |
First So Baptist Church of Porterville | 559-784-1641 | 1641 W Henderson Ave | Porterville | CA | 93257 |
First United Methodist Church | 559-784-4232 | 344 E Morton Ave | Porterville | CA | 93257 |
Foothill Presbyterian Church | 559-782-0130 | 1162 Merrill Ave | Porterville | CA | 93257 |
Free Will Baptist Church | 559-791-1476 | 91 N Prospect St | Porterville | CA | 93257 |
Gospel Lighthouse Church | 559-781-1740 | 605 E Henderson Ave | Porterville | CA | 93257 |
Grand Avenue United Methodist Churc | 559-784-3791 | 776 W Grand Ave | Porterville | CA | 93257 |
Henderson Avenue Baptist Church | 559-781-9358 | 1876 W Henderson Ave | Porterville | CA | 93257 |
Landmark Christian Center | 559-784-2827 | 2380 W Olive Ave | Porterville | CA | 93257 |
Linda Vista Church of Christ | 559-781-7060 | 1220 Linda Vista Ave | Porterville | CA | 93257 |
Living Word Fellowship | 559-781-0922 | 1150 Pioneer Ave | Porterville | CA | 93257 |
Mountain View Southern Baptist Church | 559-782-0770 | 1573 Tyler Ave | Porterville | CA | 93257 |
Pleasant Valley Chapel | 559-539-3396 | 33350 Globe Dr | Porterville | CA | 93257 |
Porterville Praise Fellowship | 559-781-4238 | 1481 E Success Dr | Porterville | CA | 93257 |
Second Baptist Church | 559-793-0313 | 194 S A St | Porterville | CA | 93257 |
Southside Assembly of God Church | 559-568-2637 | 958 S Prospect St | Porterville | CA | 93257 |
Trinity Lutheran Church Elca | 559-784-4202 | 764 W Henderson Ave | Porterville | CA | 93257 |
Trinity Southern Baptist Church | 559-782-1165 | 711 W Poplar Ave | Porterville | CA | 93257 |
Tule River Indian Mission | 559-793-0755 | 190 N Reservation Rd | Porterville | CA | 93257 |
Victory Outreach Porterville | 559-782-8759 | 1495 W Putnam Ave | Porterville | CA | 93257 |
West Side Baptist Church | 559-781-3744 | 15355 Road 223 | Porterville | CA | 93257 |
Westfield Christian Church | 559-784-0858 | 1222 N Prospect St | Porterville | CA | 93257 |
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