Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Visalia, CA 93291
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Visalia CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A Personal Touch | 559-627-1075 | 112 E Oak Ave | Visalia | CA | 93291 |
Apostolic Assembly | 559-627-8313 | 100 W School Ave | Visalia | CA | 93291 |
Berean Christian Church | 559-627-8007 | 1019 W Grove Ave | Visalia | CA | 93291 |
Celebrant Singers Stone Ministries Inc | 559-740-4000 | 420 N Dudley St | Visalia | CA | 93291 |
Christian Faith Fellowship Offi | 559-732-4402 | 506 N Court St | Visalia | CA | 93291 |
Christian Faith Fellowship Sanc | 559-732-0510 | 320 N Court St | Visalia | CA | 93291 |
Christian Science Reading Room & | 559-732-1527 | 110 S Court St | Visalia | CA | 93291 |
Countryside Free Will Baptist Church | 559-625-5536 | 12351 Avenue 340 | Visalia | CA | 93291 |
Crossroads Community Church | 559-627-8400 | 107 W Main St | Visalia | CA | 93291 |
First Christian Church | 559-732-6623 | 1023 N Chinowth St | Visalia | CA | 93291 |
First Church of Christ Scientist | 559-732-3908 | 2150 W Main St | Visalia | CA | 93291 |
First Landmark Missionary Bapt | 559-732-2946 | 631 N Chinowth St | Visalia | CA | 93291 |
Full Sail Ministries | 559-651-1233 | 130 N Kelsey St | Visalia | CA | 93291 |
Jubilee Bible Church | 559-734-0700 | 1345 N Plaza Dr | Visalia | CA | 93291 |
Lahu Baptist Church | 559-625-4383 | 1248 N Willis St | Visalia | CA | 93291 |
Presbytery of San Joaquin | 559-739-0168 | 517 W Center Ave | Visalia | CA | 93291 |
Primera Iglesia Bautista El Bue | 559-734-1940 | 130 NW 3rd Ave | Visalia | CA | 93291 |
Restoration | 559-635-2543 | 316 NW 3rd Ave | Visalia | CA | 93291 |
Second Baptist Church of Visalia | 559-627-4365 | 935 W Harold Ave | Visalia | CA | 93291 |
Students International | 559-627-8923 | 220 S Bridge St | Visalia | CA | 93291 |
Universal Church | 559-732-4717 | 820 N Jacob St | Visalia | CA | 93291 |
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