Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Furniture in Porterville, CA 93257
* Each listing below of Furniture Information for Porterville CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Custom Handcrafted Furnishings | 559-782-8968 | 1849 Thunderbolt Dr | Porterville | CA | 93257 |
Fine Home Furnishings Interior Decora | 559-784-5886 | 850 N Main St | Porterville | CA | 93257 |
Gaby's Furniture | 559-781-3842 | 168 S Main St | Porterville | CA | 93257 |
Gardell's Furniture & Imports | 559-781-3588 | 1379 W Olive Ave | Porterville | CA | 93257 |
Gray's Oak Shoppe & Appliance | 559-781-1462 | 472 W Olive Ave | Porterville | CA | 93257 |
Hemphill's Furniture Store | 559-784-6473 | 142 S D St | Porterville | CA | 93257 |
Jr Furniture | 559-783-9140 | 40 N Main St | Porterville | CA | 93257 |
Law Vintage Rue | 559-783-1453 | 114 N Main St | Porterville | CA | 93257 |
Norris Furniture | 559-781-1151 | 103 N Main St | Porterville | CA | 93257 |
Romo's Furniture | 559-783-0663 | 21058 Avenue 152 | Porterville | CA | 93257 |
Serrano's Furniture | 559-784-5500 | 165 N Main St | Porterville | CA | 93257 |
Value Village | 559-784-7187 | 187 W Olive Ave | Porterville | CA | 93257 |
Weatherby's Furniture Porterville | 559-788-2001 | 763 W Olive Ave | Porterville | CA | 93257 |
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