Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Camarillo, CA 93010
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Camarillo CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Calvary Chapel Camarillo | 805-384-1182 | 380 Mobil Ave | Camarillo | CA | 93010 |
Camarillo Christian Church | 805-482-3116 | 1777 Arneill Rd | Camarillo | CA | 93010 |
Camarillo Community Church | 805-482-2657 | 1322 Las Posas Rd | Camarillo | CA | 93010 |
Camarillo Korean United Methodist Churc | 805-389-3161 | 291 Anacapa Dr | Camarillo | CA | 93010 |
Camarillo Lutheran Churches | 805-482-3847 | 102 Camino Esplendido | Camarillo | CA | 93010 |
Camarillo Lutheran Churches | 805-482-3313 | 71 Loma Dr | Camarillo | CA | 93010 |
Camarillo Missionary Baptist Church | 805-445-4100 | 2204 Pickwick Dr | Camarillo | CA | 93010 |
Catholic Charities Oasis | 805-987-2083 | 25 N Las Posas | Camarillo | CA | 93010 |
Christian Science Churches | 805-482-4502 | 380 Mission Dr | Camarillo | CA | 93010 |
Church of Christ | 805-482-3505 | 515 Temple Ave | Camarillo | CA | 93010 |
Church of Religious Science Cen for | 805-482-4300 | 221 E Daily Dr | Camarillo | CA | 93010 |
First Baptist Church of Camarillo | 805-484-2879 | 1601 Temple Ave | Camarillo | CA | 93010 |
First Lutheran Church | 805-484-0426 | 380 Arneill Rd | Camarillo | CA | 93010 |
Gold Coast Christian Church | 805-384-0751 | 155 Granada St Ste O | Camarillo | CA | 93010 |
Good Shepherd Lutheran | 805-384-9243 | 99 S Glenn Dr | Camarillo | CA | 93010 |
Japanese American Christian Chape | 805-384-9333 | 300 Mission Dr | Camarillo | CA | 93010 |
Pleasant Valley Baptist Church | 805-987-5051 | 1101 E Ponderosa Dr | Camarillo | CA | 93010 |
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