Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Homes in Ventura, CA 93001
* Each listing below of Homes Information for Ventura CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
1031 Tic Brokers | 805-653-1977 | 21 S California St | Ventura | CA | 93001 |
Ashby Barbara the Real Estate Co | 805-652-0081 | 31 S California St | Ventura | CA | 93001 |
Bankers Mortgage Realty Advisors of Snt | 805-658-2944 | 3639 Harbor Blvd | Ventura | CA | 93001 |
Carlton Don L Realtors | 805-676-9400 | 2501 Harbor Blvd | Ventura | CA | 93001 |
Crocker Investments | 805-643-7066 | 1076 E Front St | Ventura | CA | 93001 |
Dyer Sheehan Group | 805-653-8100 | 808 E Santa Clara St Ste A | Ventura | CA | 93001 |
General Pacific Properties | 805-641-0100 | 1629 E Main St | Ventura | CA | 93001 |
Hamner Jewell & Associates | 805-658-8844 | 3639 Harbor Blvd Ste 210 | Ventura | CA | 93001 |
Harbor Realty | 805-648-3068 | 1106 S Seaward Ave | Ventura | CA | 93001 |
Homes by Cecil | 805-641-9231 | 340 S Santa Cruz St | Ventura | CA | 93001 |
Isaac Group | 805-653-1646 | 120 S Fir St | Ventura | CA | 93001 |
Kapp Joe Real Estate Sales & Apprais | 805-648-9900 | 785 S Seaward Ave | Ventura | CA | 93001 |
Legacy House Real Estate | 805-652-1866 | 128 S California St | Ventura | CA | 93001 |
Oaktree Property Investments | 805-653-6761 | 819 E Thompson Blvd | Ventura | CA | 93001 |
Osborn Jan Real Estate | 805-653-6606 | 1039 S Seaward Ave | Ventura | CA | 93001 |
Pacific Rim Realtors | 805-644-4641 | 1559 Spinnaker Dr Ste 207 | Ventura | CA | 93001 |
Pierpont Bay Realty | 805-648-5101 | 1020 S Seaward Ave | Ventura | CA | 93001 |
Prudential California Realty | 805-648-5915 | 1071 S Seaward Ave | Ventura | CA | 93001 |
Seville Property Management | 805-652-1218 | 56 E Main St Ste 210 | Ventura | CA | 93001 |
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