Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Ventura, CA 93003
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Ventura CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Anacapa Middle School | 805-289-7900 | 100 S Mills Rd | Ventura | CA | 93003 |
Assumption Catholic Church Our Lady | 805-642-7198 | 3169 Telegraph Rd | Ventura | CA | 93003 |
Balboa Middle School | 805-289-1800 | 247 S Hill Rd | Ventura | CA | 93003 |
Blanche Reynolds Elementary Scho | 805-289-1817 | 450 Valmore Ave | Ventura | CA | 93003 |
Buena High School | 805-289-1826 | 5670 Telegraph Rd | Ventura | CA | 93003 |
Calwest Learning Center | 805-650-0607 | 2443 Portola Rd | Ventura | CA | 93003 |
Career Care Institute | 805-477-0660 | 1730 S Victoria Ave Ste 230 | Ventura | CA | 93003 |
College Heights Christian Schoo | 805-658-2900 | 6360 Telephone Rd | Ventura | CA | 93003 |
Confectionately Yours | 805-650-9592 | 2855 Johnson Dr Ste X | Ventura | CA | 93003 |
Dollar Driving School of Ventura Co | 805-653-6475 | 2804 E Main St | Ventura | CA | 93003 |
El Camino High School | 805-289-7955 | 501 College Dr | Ventura | CA | 93003 |
Elmhurst Elementary School | 805-289-1860 | 5080 Elmhurst St | Ventura | CA | 93003 |
Foothill Technology High School | 805-289-0023 | 100 Day Rd | Ventura | CA | 93003 |
Loma Vista Elementary School | 805-641-5443 | 300 Lynn Dr | Ventura | CA | 93003 |
Poinsettia Elementary School | 805-289-7971 | 350 N Victoria Ave | Ventura | CA | 93003 |
St Bonaventure High School | 805-648-6836 | 3167 Telegraph Rd | Ventura | CA | 93003 |
Ventura Unified School District | 805-289-7925 | 5200 Valentine Rd | Ventura | CA | 93003 |
Ventura Unified School District | 805-289-1893 | 150 Day Rd | Ventura | CA | 93003 |
Ventura Unified School District | 805-289-7981 | 359 S Victoria Ave | Ventura | CA | 93003 |
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