Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Oxnard, CA 93030
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Oxnard CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Coalition To End Domestic & Sexu | 805-654-8141 | 1030 N Ventura Rd | Oxnard | CA | 93030 |
El Centrito | 805-483-8685 | 937 W 5th St | Oxnard | CA | 93030 |
Goodwill Industries of Ventura & Santa | 805-483-2511 | 330 W 6th St | Oxnard | CA | 93030 |
Life Centers of Ventura County | 805-486-2721 | 410 N A St | Oxnard | CA | 93030 |
Lighthouse Women & Children Emerge | 805-385-7200 | 104 N Hayes Ave | Oxnard | CA | 93030 |
Muslim Community Center of Oxnard | 805-486-8886 | 525 S A St | Oxnard | CA | 93030 |
Rescue Mission Alliance Lighthouse Vent | 805-240-1644 | 150 N Hayes Ave | Oxnard | CA | 93030 |
Sisters Servants of Mary | 805-486-5502 | 140 N G St | Oxnard | CA | 93030 |
Tri County Labor Foundation | 805-385-4487 | 935 W 5th St | Oxnard | CA | 93030 |
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