Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Ventura, CA 93003
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Ventura CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Advocacy | 805-642-6080 | 950 County Square Dr | Ventura | CA | 93003 |
Aegis of Ventura | 805-650-1114 | 4964 Telegraph Rd | Ventura | CA | 93003 |
Alzheimer's Care | 805-642-2567 | 5430 Telegraph Rd | Ventura | CA | 93003 |
Alzheimer's Treacy Villa | 805-644-1292 | 3482 Loma Vista Rd | Ventura | CA | 93003 |
American Companion & Homemaker | 805-650-8788 | 1695 Mesa Verde Ave | Ventura | CA | 93003 |
American Youth Soccer Organization | 805-658-2976 | 1601 Callens Rd | Ventura | CA | 93003 |
Arc Ventura County | 805-650-8611 | 5103 Walker St | Ventura | CA | 93003 |
Candelaria American Indian Council | 805-650-8352 | 1650 Palma Dr | Ventura | CA | 93003 |
Caregivers Volunteers Assisting the E | 805-658-8530 | 1765 Goodyear Ave | Ventura | CA | 93003 |
Cars 4 Causes Auto Donations | 805-477-7617 | 4864 Market St | Ventura | CA | 93003 |
Community Alliance Program | 805-654-2602 | 5190 Loma Vista Rd | Ventura | CA | 93003 |
Cypress Place Senior Living | 805-650-8000 | 1200 Cypress Point Ln | Ventura | CA | 93003 |
Imagine That Ventures Inc | 805-644-1213 | 3605 Arundell Cir | Ventura | CA | 93003 |
Independent Living Resource Center | 805-650-5993 | 1802 Eastman Ave | Ventura | CA | 93003 |
Long Term Care Services of Ventra Cntym | 805-658-1986 | 2021 Sperry Ave Ste 35 | Ventura | CA | 93003 |
Progressive Connections Supported Livin | 805-654-0629 | 1884 Eastman Ave | Ventura | CA | 93003 |
Ted Mayr Funeral Home & Crematory | 805-643-9977 | 3150 Loma Vista Rd | Ventura | CA | 93003 |
Westview Vocational Services | 805-650-5238 | 1857 Knoll Dr | Ventura | CA | 93003 |
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