Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Counseling in Davis, CA 95616
* Each listing below of Counseling Information for Davis CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Baxter Kathleen Mft | 530-750-3631 | 1747 Oak Ave | Davis | CA | 95616 |
Blum Judith Mfcc | 530-756-0555 | 1627 Oak Ave | Davis | CA | 95616 |
Chadwick Nancy L C S W | 530-753-1417 | 803 2nd St | Davis | CA | 95616 |
Chess Jan PhD | 530-758-1162 | 604 3rd St | Davis | CA | 95616 |
Curry Susan Mft | 530-756-8649 | 621 4th St | Davis | CA | 95616 |
Defenderfer Arthur Mfcc | 530-758-7750 | 219 E St | Davis | CA | 95616 |
Evans Megan Ms Mft | 530-297-1961 | 719 2nd St Ste 2 | Davis | CA | 95616 |
Grant Susan Mft | 530-759-8115 | 423 F St Ste 205 | Davis | CA | 95616 |
Johnson Fritz Mft | 530-758-2489 | 719 2nd St | Davis | CA | 95616 |
Kilfoyle Richard Mft | 530-758-7155 | 1923 Sycamore Ln | Davis | CA | 95616 |
Moren John E Counseling Services | 530-758-4700 | 669 Diego Pl | Davis | CA | 95616 |
Nelson Kelly Mft Center for Relonship | 530-758-4114 | 133 D St | Davis | CA | 95616 |
Sally Arnold Steve Arnold Ma | 530-753-3585 | 3502 Tanager Ave | Davis | CA | 95616 |
Sherman Elanna Panter Mft | 530-753-6146 | 551 Villanova Dr | Davis | CA | 95616 |
Silva Agnes Ms Mfcc | 530-753-2032 | 719 2nd St Ste 3 | Davis | CA | 95616 |
Wilson Sharon Thompson Mfcc | 530-758-5181 | 1621 Oak Ave Ste B | Davis | CA | 95616 |
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