Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Attorneys in Marysville, CA 95901
* Each listing below of Attorneys Information for Marysville CA should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Berrier Stephen W Attys at Law | 530-742-7371 | 1129 D St | Marysville | CA | 95901 |
Berrier Yana | 530-743-4458 | 230 5th St | Marysville | CA | 95901 |
Davis Eugene J Atty | 530-743-1867 | 322 B St | Marysville | CA | 95901 |
Davis Sabine Law Offices of | 530-742-0515 | 500 Olive St | Marysville | CA | 95901 |
Guthrie Joel T Attorney at Law | 530-743-2089 | 425 C St | Marysville | CA | 95901 |
Law Offices of Roberto Marquez | 530-749-8766 | 613 D St | Marysville | CA | 95901 |
Leri Craig A Atty at Law | 530-742-3233 | 1101 D St | Marysville | CA | 95901 |
Marquez Arturo A Atty at Law | 530-742-7775 | 306 B St | Marysville | CA | 95901 |
Peiffer Carroll E Atty | 530-749-9538 | 216 5th St | Marysville | CA | 95901 |
Vanasek William J Attorney at Law | 530-742-1312 | 322 1st St | Marysville | CA | 95901 |
Worrell Rick Attorney at Law | 530-741-2200 | 716 D St | Marysville | CA | 95901 |
Other Local Attorneys listings in Yuba County CA |
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