Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Denver, CO 80221
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Denver CO should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Ch | 303-294-0679 | 8333 Acoma Way | Denver | CO | 80221 |
Berkeley Community Church United C | 303-433-5881 | 3701 W 50th Ave | Denver | CO | 80221 |
Chaffee Community Baptist Church | 303-433-1373 | 5001 Umatilla St | Denver | CO | 80221 |
Church of Christ Scientist | 303-427-0973 | 1436 W 81st Pl | Denver | CO | 80221 |
Fairview Baptist Church | 303-428-7689 | 7881 Fairview Ave | Denver | CO | 80221 |
First Spanish Foursquare Chur | 303-657-3341 | 2341 Meadowbrook Dr | Denver | CO | 80221 |
Guardian Angels Church | 303-433-8361 | 1843 W 52nd Ave | Denver | CO | 80221 |
Hillyard Monte Bishop | 303-429-7303 | 1951 Elmwood Ln | Denver | CO | 80221 |
La Antorch U P C | 303-455-3184 | 2340 W 49th Ave | Denver | CO | 80221 |
Latin District Central | 720-540-3183 | 7510 Sherman St | Denver | CO | 80221 |
Mount Zion Luthern Church | 303-429-0165 | 500 Drake St | Denver | CO | 80221 |
New Song Fellowship | 303-430-8100 | 8242 Pecos St | Denver | CO | 80221 |
North Denver Apostolic Church of Jesus | 303-428-5681 | 2552 W 65th Pl | Denver | CO | 80221 |
North Federal Baptist Church | 303-428-3813 | 3070 W 65th Ave | Denver | CO | 80221 |
Northwest Baptist Church | 303-429-7109 | 7300 Zuni St | Denver | CO | 80221 |
Our Lady of Visitation Church | 303-429-7947 | 2531 W 65th Pl | Denver | CO | 80221 |
Valley Lutheran Church | 303-428-1228 | 7375 Samuel Dr | Denver | CO | 80221 |
Wat Buddhawararam | 303-433-1826 | 4801 Julian St | Denver | CO | 80221 |
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