Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Restaurants in Aurora, CO 80011
* Each listing below of Restaurants Information for Aurora CO should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Applebee's Neighborhood Grill & Bar | 303-371-4114 | 16485 E 40th Cir | Aurora | CO | 80011 |
Arby's Roast Beef Restaurants | 303-341-7048 | 15077 E Colfax Ave | Aurora | CO | 80011 |
Barney's To Go Orders | 303-367-0222 | 15007 E Colfax Ave | Aurora | CO | 80011 |
Bender's Brat Haus | 303-344-2648 | 15343 E 6th Ave | Aurora | CO | 80011 |
Best Restaurant | 303-365-0383 | 15037 E Colfax Ave | Aurora | CO | 80011 |
Burger King | 303-343-9367 | 3850 Chambers Rd | Aurora | CO | 80011 |
Burger King | 303-340-8621 | 625 Peoria St | Aurora | CO | 80011 |
Burger King Corporation | 303-366-2038 | 15290 E Colfax Ave | Aurora | CO | 80011 |
Chapala Restaurant | 303-363-8582 | 15490 E Colfax Ave | Aurora | CO | 80011 |
Del Taco | 720-858-8041 | 14400 E Colfax Ave | Aurora | CO | 80011 |
Denny's Restaurant | 303-341-1132 | 14400 E 6th Ave | Aurora | CO | 80011 |
El Patron Mexican Restaurant | 303-364-8066 | 14211 E 6th Ave | Aurora | CO | 80011 |
Emil Lene's Sirloin House | 303-366-6674 | 16000 Smith Rd | Aurora | CO | 80011 |
Imperial Cafe | 303-366-2223 | 693 Peoria St | Aurora | CO | 80011 |
Kentucky Fried Chicken | 303-341-4830 | 14411 E Colfax Ave | Aurora | CO | 80011 |
McDonald's of Aurora | 303-343-6169 | 14251 E Colfax Ave | Aurora | CO | 80011 |
McDonalds | 303-364-0706 | 3151 Airport Blvd | Aurora | CO | 80011 |
Mi Pueblo Latin Market | 303-361-6123 | 15585 E Colfax Ave | Aurora | CO | 80011 |
Plainsman The | 303-366-6478 | 652 Peoria St | Aurora | CO | 80011 |
Popeye's Chicken | 303-364-5414 | 15199 E Colfax Ave | Aurora | CO | 80011 |
Subway Sandwiches | 303-340-0400 | 669 Peoria St | Aurora | CO | 80011 |
Subway Sandwiches & Salads | 303-360-9757 | 1470 Chambers Rd | Aurora | CO | 80011 |
Taco Bell | 303-341-0538 | 14091 E Colfax Ave | Aurora | CO | 80011 |
Taco Tijuana | 303-367-4998 | 1430 Chambers Rd | Aurora | CO | 80011 |
Tequilas Tagueria | 303-367-4722 | 539 Sable Blvd | Aurora | CO | 80011 |
Thai Bamboo Cafe | 720-949-1980 | 106 Del Mar Cir | Aurora | CO | 80011 |
Tortas Y Tacos El Chino | 303-360-8765 | 796 Peoria St | Aurora | CO | 80011 |
Tsaishen Gardens | 303-366-8818 | 15200 E 6th Ave Unit 2E | Aurora | CO | 80011 |
Village Inn Restaurant | 303-344-0522 | 15395 E Colfax Ave | Aurora | CO | 80011 |
Wings of Fire | 303-366-7067 | 14450 E 6th Ave | Aurora | CO | 80011 |
Wolf's Restaurant & Lounge | 303-364-0223 | 15691 E Colfax Ave | Aurora | CO | 80011 |
Yummy Yummy Tasty Thai Food | 720-858-9121 | 13000 E Colfax Ave | Aurora | CO | 80011 |
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