Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Aurora, CO 80010
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Aurora CO should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Agape Missionary Church | 303-367-0589 | 1590 Chester St | Aurora | CO | 80010 |
Aurora Community Baptist Church | 303-366-6628 | 11430 E 19th Ave | Aurora | CO | 80010 |
Aurora First Christian Church | 303-364-3636 | 1601 Dayton St | Aurora | CO | 80010 |
Aurora First Presbyterian Ch | 303-364-2609 | 1585 Kingston St | Aurora | CO | 80010 |
Burns Memorial United Methodist Churc | 303-364-3381 | 1095 Newark St | Aurora | CO | 80010 |
Chinese Evangelical Church of Denve | 303-366-0303 | 1099 Newark St | Aurora | CO | 80010 |
Christ the King Baptist Church | 303-367-5673 | 1590 Galena St | Aurora | CO | 80010 |
Church of Christ | 303-366-5283 | 1297 Boston St | Aurora | CO | 80010 |
Church of Pentecost | 303-364-9247 | 2055 Clinton St | Aurora | CO | 80010 |
Consolation Christian Church | 303-340-3180 | 1395 Macon St | Aurora | CO | 80010 |
First Baptist Church of Aurora | 303-366-1339 | 1550 Havana St | Aurora | CO | 80010 |
Grace & Love Fellowship | 303-366-7398 | 1381 Iola St | Aurora | CO | 80010 |
Greater Apostolic Community Churc | 303-340-3122 | 354 Havana St | Aurora | CO | 80010 |
Greater Faith Christian Center | 303-344-5315 | 1300 Jamaica St | Aurora | CO | 80010 |
Igleslia Nueva Vision Christian Churc | 303-366-0821 | 1540 Dayton St | Aurora | CO | 80010 |
Jireh Christian Center | 303-366-5523 | 262 Havana St | Aurora | CO | 80010 |
Joy Tabernacle Holiness Church | 303-361-9724 | 1590 Florence St | Aurora | CO | 80010 |
Korean Full Gospel Church | 303-363-0033 | 10600 E 14th Ave | Aurora | CO | 80010 |
Leake Memorial Methodist Churc | 303-343-2815 | 1300 Iola St | Aurora | CO | 80010 |
Morning Star Baptist Church | 303-341-6422 | 2385 Galena St | Aurora | CO | 80010 |
Peaceful Rest Baptist Church | 303-364-4100 | 1195 Lima St | Aurora | CO | 80010 |
Prince of Peace Church of God in Chris | 303-343-1728 | 1590 Elmira St | Aurora | CO | 80010 |
Progressive Missionary Baptist Church | 303-340-2660 | 2055 Dallas St | Aurora | CO | 80010 |
St Matthew Lutheran Church | 303-366-1373 | 1609 Havana St | Aurora | CO | 80010 |
St Therese Catholic Church | 303-344-0132 | 1243 Kingston St | Aurora | CO | 80010 |
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