Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Englewood, CO 80110
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Englewood CO should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Amazing Grace Church | 303-761-9805 | 3325 S Federal Blvd | Englewood | CO | 80110 |
Bethany Baptist Church | 303-761-6347 | 4200 S Acoma St | Englewood | CO | 80110 |
Cadence International | 303-762-1400 | 101 W Jefferson Ave | Englewood | CO | 80110 |
Calvary Baptist Church of Englewood | 303-789-3616 | 4881 S Acoma St | Englewood | CO | 80110 |
Centennial Lutheran Church Elca | 303-797-7403 | 3595 W Belleview Ave | Englewood | CO | 80110 |
Christian Military Fellowship | 303-761-1959 | 3000 S Acoma St | Englewood | CO | 80110 |
Church of Christ Scientist | 303-797-2542 | 5050 S Federal Blvd Unit 2 | Englewood | CO | 80110 |
Church of Scientology of Colorado | 303-789-7668 | 3385 S Bannock St | Englewood | CO | 80110 |
Community of Christ | 303-798-7036 | 1695 E Orchard Rd | Englewood | CO | 80110 |
Faith Bible Chapel South | 303-806-8161 | 4250 S Federal Blvd | Englewood | CO | 80110 |
High Country Unity Church | 303-798-2295 | 250 W Lehow Ave | Englewood | CO | 80110 |
Immanuel Lutheran Church Mo Synod | 303-781-5887 | 3695 S Acoma St | Englewood | CO | 80110 |
Mayflower Congregational | 303-781-5497 | 3001 S Acoma St | Englewood | CO | 80110 |
Mission Hills Church | 303-794-3564 | 5859 S Univ Blvd | Englewood | CO | 80110 |
Next Level Church | 303-422-3777 | 3999 S Lipan St | Englewood | CO | 80110 |
Officers' Christian Fellowship | 303-761-1984 | 3784 S Inca St | Englewood | CO | 80110 |
River of Life Church | 303-788-0960 | 7700 W Woodard Dr | Englewood | CO | 80110 |
South Kalamath Meeting Room | 303-789-9142 | 4690 S Kalamath St | Englewood | CO | 80110 |
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