Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Longmont, CO 80501
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Longmont CO should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Ambassador Baptist Church | 303-772-8422 | 2015 3rd Ave | Longmont | CO | 80501 |
Ambassadors of Compansion | 720-652-4756 | 738 Folklore Ave | Longmont | CO | 80501 |
Bethlehem Lutheran Church | 303-776-3290 | 1000 15th Ave | Longmont | CO | 80501 |
Calvary Church | 303-776-2400 | 2101 Gay St | Longmont | CO | 80501 |
Central Presbyterian Church | 303-776-6833 | 4th & Kimbark | Longmont | CO | 80501 |
Christ Our Savior Lutheran Church | 303-776-1789 | 640 Alpine St | Longmont | CO | 80501 |
Christian Counseling Service | 303-651-1325 | 1146 Kimbark St | Longmont | CO | 80501 |
Church of Christ of Longmont | 303-776-2625 | 1351 Collyer St | Longmont | CO | 80501 |
Church of Christ Twin Peaks | 303-651-9427 | 741 S Bowen St | Longmont | CO | 80501 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 303-651-2959 | 2200 11th Ave | Longmont | CO | 80501 |
Faith Baptist Church | 303-776-5655 | 833 15th Ave | Longmont | CO | 80501 |
First Baptist Church | 303-776-1128 | Longs Peak & Kimbark | Longmont | CO | 80501 |
First Congregational United Church O | 303-776-4940 | 1500 9th Ave | Longmont | CO | 80501 |
First Evangelical Lutheran Church | 303-776-2704 | 803 3rd Ave | Longmont | CO | 80501 |
First United Methodist Church | 303-776-3523 | 350 11th Ave | Longmont | CO | 80501 |
Longs Peak Baptist Church Sbc | 303-776-8521 | 1601 Collyer St | Longmont | CO | 80501 |
Messiah Lutheran Church | 303-776-2573 | 1335 Francis St | Longmont | CO | 80501 |
Moore Donald L Rev | 303-776-2171 | 904 Atwood St | Longmont | CO | 80501 |
New Creation Church | 303-776-4225 | 737 Bross St | Longmont | CO | 80501 |
Pratt Parkway Christians | 303-776-3787 | 1601 S Pratt Pkwy | Longmont | CO | 80501 |
Rocky Mountain Christian Churc | 303-652-2211 | 95th & Niwot Rd | Longmont | CO | 80501 |
Shekinah Christian Ministries | 303-682-9593 | 2040 Terry St Ste 106 | Longmont | CO | 80501 |
The Journey | 303-774-7672 | 1147 Avon Ln | Longmont | CO | 80501 |
Westview Presbyterian Church | 303-776-3242 | 1500 Hover St | Longmont | CO | 80501 |
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