Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Denver, CO 80203
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Denver CO should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Alma Temple | 303-839-1500 | 1302 Sherman St | Denver | CO | 80203 |
Ardelt's Victorian Garden | 303-861-2189 | 1225 Logan St | Denver | CO | 80203 |
Central Presbyterian Church | 303-839-5500 | 1660 Sherman St | Denver | CO | 80203 |
Church of Christ Scientist | 303-839-1505 | | Denver | CO | 80203 |
Church of Christ Scientist | 303-839-1506 | 1415 Logan St | Denver | CO | 80203 |
Colorado Vincentian Volunteers | 303-863-8141 | 1732 Pearl St | Denver | CO | 80203 |
Episcopal Diocese of Colorado | 303-837-1173 | 1300 Washington St | Denver | CO | 80203 |
First Baptist Church of Denver | 303-861-2501 | 1373 Grant St | Denver | CO | 80203 |
Living Waters Tabernacle | 303-744-9821 | 1701 Sherman St | Denver | CO | 80203 |
New Genesis Inc | 303-831-4910 | 1680 Sherman St | Denver | CO | 80203 |
Saint Paul Lutheran Church | 303-839-1432 | 1600 Grant St | Denver | CO | 80203 |
Temple Events Center Uptown | 303-860-9400 | 1595 Pearl St | Denver | CO | 80203 |
Upper Room The-Upc | 303-863-9648 | 1835 Logan St | Denver | CO | 80203 |
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