Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Denver, CO 80205
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Denver CO should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Anchor of Hope Church | 303-861-4597 | 2101 High St | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Antioch Baptist Church | 303-830-0424 | 2500 Lafayette St | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Bethsaida Temple | 303-388-7317 | 3930 E 37th Ave | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Bible Way Christian Training Center | 303-399-3026 | 3340 Bruce Randolph Ave | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Campbell A M E Church | 303-839-5058 | 1500 E 22nd Ave | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Central Baptist Church | 303-296-6618 | 2400 California St | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Cleaves Memorial C M E Church | 303-839-5683 | 2222 Marion St | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Denver Gospel Hall | 303-292-2710 | 1631 Martin Luther King B | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Downtown Assembly of God | 303-296-3443 | 2017 Lawrence St | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Epworth United Methodist Churc | 303-296-6287 | 3401 High St | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Genesis Baptist Church | 303-322-4419 | 2958 Josephine St | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Glenn Edgar L Rev | 303-377-0414 | 2501 Bruce Randolph Ave | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Grace & Truth Full Gospel Pentecos | 303-321-2417 | 2801 Milwaukee St | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Holy Spirit Baptist Church | 303-388-9148 | 3563 Elizabeth St | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Jehovah's Witnesses | 303-355-9252 | 2135 E 22nd Ave | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Jordan African Methodist Episc | 303-322-7427 | 2900 Milwaukee St | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Kingdom of Glory Christian Cente | 303-293-2230 | 2485 Welton St | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Kinship Missionary Baptist Church | 303-297-0107 | 2822 York St | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Macedonia Baptist Church | 303-377-8821 | 3240 Adams St | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Metro Denver Black Church Inititiv | 303-355-3423 | 3601 Martin Luther King B | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Miracle Mountain Ame Zion Church | 303-322-6521 | 2017 E 25th Ave | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Mission To the Americas | 303-308-1818 | 2530 Washington St | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Missionary Baptist Church | 303-296-1177 | 3456 Gilpin St | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Mount Calvary Lutheran Church | 303-297-3987 | 3560 York St | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Mt Sinai Baptist Church | 303-333-8756 | 3356 Clayton St | Denver | CO | 80205 |
New Hope Baptist Church | 303-322-5200 | 3701 Colorado Blvd | Denver | CO | 80205 |
New Jerusalem Baptist Church | 303-295-9113 | 3400 Lawrence St | Denver | CO | 80205 |
New Testament Church Holiness | 303-295-2486 | 1725 E 30th Ave | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Odom Memorial Cogic | 303-292-5250 | 3301 Williams St | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Osborne Lila Memorial | 303-388-1387 | 2801 Columbine St | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Our Faith Baptist Church | 303-861-1789 | 2552 Clarkson St | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Paradise Missionary Baptist Church | 303-355-8747 | 3715 Garfield St | Denver | CO | 80205 |
People's Presbyterian Church | 303-297-9071 | 2780 York St | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Peoples Church of the Risen Lord | 303-294-9752 | 2700 Champa St | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Salem Baptist Church | 303-297-9221 | 1720 Bruce Randolph Ave | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Scott United Methodist Church | 303-322-8967 | 2880 Garfield St | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Shorter Community A M E Church | 303-320-1712 | 3100 Richard Allen Ct | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Solid Rock Baptist Church | 303-270-9064 | 3520 E 28th Ave | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Spottswood A M E Zion Church | 303-321-2744 | 3301 Milwaukee St | Denver | CO | 80205 |
St Luke Cme Church | 303-329-0079 | 3444 Madison St | Denver | CO | 80205 |
St Stephens Missionary Baptist Church | 303-295-1995 | 3125 Humboldt St | Denver | CO | 80205 |
The Unified Body of Christ | 303-292-6112 | 3010 High St | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Union Chapel Missionary Baptist Church | 303-295-2144 | 3622 Marion St | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Whittington Rayfield Pastor | 303-832-1811 | 2281 Ogden St | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Whole Word Ministry | 303-388-1694 | 3300 Josephine St | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Women of the Word | 303-894-9689 | 2311 High St | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Zion Baptist Church | 303-861-4637 | 933 E 24th Ave | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Zion Baptist Church | 303-863-9413 | 2368 Emerson St | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Zion Job Ministry | 303-831-4678 | 914 E 24th Ave | Denver | CO | 80205 |
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