Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Denver, CO 80207
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Denver CO should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Blessed Sacrament Church | 303-355-7361 | 4900 Montview Blvd | Denver | CO | 80207 |
Campbell Memorial Church of God I | 303-329-8184 | 2828 Fairfax St | Denver | CO | 80207 |
Center of My Joy Ministries | 720-941-6764 | 5500 E 26th Ave | Denver | CO | 80207 |
Church of Christ | 303-322-2625 | 3400 Albion St | Denver | CO | 80207 |
Church of Christ | 303-322-2677 | 3500 Forest St | Denver | CO | 80207 |
Dvine Missionary | 303-399-7542 | 2675 Colorado Blvd | Denver | CO | 80207 |
East Denver Church of God | 303-333-5911 | 6430 Martin Luther King B | Denver | CO | 80207 |
Good Shepherd Baptist Church | 303-322-3369 | 2814 Ivy St | Denver | CO | 80207 |
Graham Memorial | 303-393-1333 | 5001 E Thrill Pl | Denver | CO | 80207 |
Greater Mount Olive Baptist Church | 303-355-7505 | 4821 E 38th Ave | Denver | CO | 80207 |
Greater Temple of Jerusalem Cogic | 303-355-4880 | 3590 Grape St | Denver | CO | 80207 |
Harold's Flowers | 303-388-1666 | 4615 E 23rd Ave | Denver | CO | 80207 |
King Baptist Church | 303-388-3248 | 3370 Ivy St | Denver | CO | 80207 |
Korea Smyrna Presbyterian Ch | 303-322-3163 | 2245 Kearney St | Denver | CO | 80207 |
Mountain Splendor Photography | 303-674-4541 | 2324 Ivy St | Denver | CO | 80207 |
Park Hill Congregational | 303-322-9122 | 2600 Leyden St | Denver | CO | 80207 |
Park Hill Presbyterian | 303-399-8312 | 3411 Albion St | Denver | CO | 80207 |
Park Hill United Methodist Churc | 303-322-1867 | 5209 Montview Blvd | Denver | CO | 80207 |
Rapture Missionary Baptist | 303-780-0133 | 3600 Pontiac St | Denver | CO | 80207 |
Shiloh Baptist Church | 303-322-5983 | 3301 Leyden St | Denver | CO | 80207 |
Solomon's Temple Baptist | 303-377-2249 | 3000 Holly St | Denver | CO | 80207 |
Spread the Word Full Gospel Church | 720-941-4335 | 2825 Fairfax St | Denver | CO | 80207 |
St Thomas Episcopal Church | 303-388-4395 | 2201 Dexter St | Denver | CO | 80207 |
Union Baptist Church | 303-320-0911 | 3200 Dahlia St | Denver | CO | 80207 |
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