Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Denver, CO 80211
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Denver CO should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
A New Beginning Pcg | 303-458-1190 | 2201 W 34th Ave | Denver | CO | 80211 |
Capuchin Development Office | 303-433-0296 | 3553 Wyandot St | Denver | CO | 80211 |
Christian Schools of Lakewood | 303-455-6120 | 3241 W 44th Ave | Denver | CO | 80211 |
Church World Service Crop | 303-455-5765 | 4140 Tejon St | Denver | CO | 80211 |
Deliverance Tabernacle | 303-455-5130 | 2931 W 25th Ave | Denver | CO | 80211 |
Delmonico Hall | 303-458-9083 | 3220 Federal Blvd | Denver | CO | 80211 |
Denver Assn of Southern Baptist Churche | 303-433-9100 | 4760 Shoshone St | Denver | CO | 80211 |
Denver Hispanic Sda | 303-477-5043 | 4359 Pecos St | Denver | CO | 80211 |
Emmaus Lutheran Church Mo Synod | 303-433-3303 | 3120 Irving St | Denver | CO | 80211 |
Faith Lutheran Church | 303-455-5878 | 4785 Elm Ct | Denver | CO | 80211 |
First Denver Friends Church | 303-455-7604 | 4595 Eliot St | Denver | CO | 80211 |
Franciscan Sisters Charitable Fund | 303-455-1729 | 3805 W 26th Ave | Denver | CO | 80211 |
Highland Christian Church | 303-433-6737 | 3350 Federal Blvd | Denver | CO | 80211 |
Highlands Lutheran Church | 303-477-2031 | 3995 Irving St | Denver | CO | 80211 |
Iglesia Christiana Maranatha | 303-477-4499 | 3605 Pecos St | Denver | CO | 80211 |
Imago Dei Global Communities | 303-433-0123 | 4455 Jason St | Denver | CO | 80211 |
Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers | 303-455-5669 | 4460 Federal Blvd | Denver | CO | 80211 |
Merritt Memorial United Methodist Churc | 303-433-7577 | 2246 Irving St | Denver | CO | 80211 |
Montecalvo Lewis Rev | 303-455-4102 | 3241 Lowell Blvd | Denver | CO | 80211 |
New Life in Christ Church | 303-455-7901 | 2450 Clay St | Denver | CO | 80211 |
Our Lady of Guadalupe | 303-477-0229 | 3555 Kalamath St | Denver | CO | 80211 |
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church | 303-477-8113 | 1209 W 36th Ave | Denver | CO | 80211 |
Our Lady of Mt Carmel Church | 303-455-0447 | 3549 Navajo St | Denver | CO | 80211 |
People House Inc | 303-480-5130 | 3035 W 25th Ave | Denver | CO | 80211 |
Riverside Baptist Church | 303-433-8665 | 2401 Alcott St | Denver | CO | 80211 |
Salvation Army Lambuth Center | 303-477-3758 | 2741 Federal Blvd | Denver | CO | 80211 |
Synod of the Rocky Mountains Pc US | 303-477-9070 | 3025 W 37th Ave | Denver | CO | 80211 |
Victory Outreach Church | 303-455-7410 | 1930 W 46th Ave | Denver | CO | 80211 |
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