Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Denver, CO 80220
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Denver CO should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Asamblea Apostollca De La Fe En Cristo | 303-322-7245 | 6738 E Colfax Ave | Denver | CO | 80220 |
Berean Bible Church | 303-329-0409 | 1400 Birch St | Denver | CO | 80220 |
Christ the King | 303-388-1643 | 830 Elm St | Denver | CO | 80220 |
Christ the King | 303-321-0338 | 860 Elm St | Denver | CO | 80220 |
Church of Christ | 303-377-3677 | 1100 Dahlia St | Denver | CO | 80220 |
Church of the Master | 303-399-8107 | 5152 E 17th Ave | Denver | CO | 80220 |
Denver Korean 7th Day Adventist Churc | 303-333-6010 | 1151 Xenia St | Denver | CO | 80220 |
Eighth Avenue Baptist Church | 303-320-4944 | 790 Grape St | Denver | CO | 80220 |
Friendship Baptist Church of Chris | 303-321-5529 | 880 Fairfax St | Denver | CO | 80220 |
Greater St John Baptist Church | 303-399-4163 | 1312 Uinta St | Denver | CO | 80220 |
Hare Krishna | 303-333-5461 | 1400 Cherry St | Denver | CO | 80220 |
Messiah Community Church Elca | 303-355-4471 | 1750 Colorado Blvd | Denver | CO | 80220 |
Montclair Lutheran Church Elca | 303-333-4732 | 1401 Poplar St | Denver | CO | 80220 |
Montclair United Methodist Churc | 303-333-7352 | 1195 Newport St | Denver | CO | 80220 |
New Covenant Christian Church | 303-377-6237 | 825 Ivanhoe St | Denver | CO | 80220 |
St James Religous Education Ofc | 303-333-5189 | 1314 Newport St | Denver | CO | 80220 |
St Luke's Episcopal Church | 303-355-2331 | 1270 Poplar St | Denver | CO | 80220 |
Stepping Stones To A Jewish Me | 303-388-1198 | 51 Grape St | Denver | CO | 80220 |
Unity on the Avenue | 303-322-3901 | 4670 E 17th Ave | Denver | CO | 80220 |
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