Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Denver, CO 80222
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Denver CO should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Bridal's by Schaffer's | 303-759-0440 | 4400 E Evans Ave | Denver | CO | 80222 |
Calvary Apostolic Church | 303-758-7333 | 5900 E Yale Ave | Denver | CO | 80222 |
Calvary Presbyterian Church | 303-756-5042 | 1420 S Holly St | Denver | CO | 80222 |
Celebration Community Church | 303-756-4994 | 1650 S Birch St | Denver | CO | 80222 |
Church of Christ | 303-756-7012 | 1995 S Holly St | Denver | CO | 80222 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 303-756-6489 | 2710 S Monaco Pkwy | Denver | CO | 80222 |
Church of the Risen Christ | 303-758-8826 | 3060 S Monaco Pkwy | Denver | CO | 80222 |
Coppes Leonard Rev | 303-287-9145 | 4200 E Warren Ave | Denver | CO | 80222 |
First Spiritual Science Church | 303-756-3226 | 3375 S Dahlia St | Denver | CO | 80222 |
First Universalist Church | 303-759-2770 | 4101 E Hampden Ave | Denver | CO | 80222 |
Grace United Methodist Church | 303-756-1595 | 4905 E Yale Ave | Denver | CO | 80222 |
Holly Hills Bible Church | 303-692-0481 | 2400 S Holly St | Denver | CO | 80222 |
Johrei Fellowship | 303-756-7543 | 1777 S Bellaire St Ste 417 | Denver | CO | 80222 |
Korean Central Presbyterian Ch | 303-756-9637 | 4625 E Iowa Ave | Denver | CO | 80222 |
Mto Shahmaghsoudi | 303-756-8590 | 2148 S Ash St | Denver | CO | 80222 |
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church | 303-759-2522 | 2400 S Colorado Blvd | Denver | CO | 80222 |
Salem United Church of Christ | 303-759-4649 | 5300 E Florida Ave | Denver | CO | 80222 |
Samaritan Institute | 303-691-0144 | 2696 S Colorado Blvd Ste 380 | Denver | CO | 80222 |
Third Christian Reformed Church | 303-756-2121 | 2400 S Ash St | Denver | CO | 80222 |
University View Christian Churc | 303-756-1800 | 4401 E Mexico Ave | Denver | CO | 80222 |
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