Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Organizations in Denver, CO 80205
* Each listing below of Organizations Information for Denver CO should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
African American Leadership Coun | 303-299-9055 | 700 E 24th Ave | Denver | CO | 80205 |
American Legion | 303-295-2138 | 2563 Glenarm Pl | Denver | CO | 80205 |
American Legion | 303-295-0401 | 2015 Market St | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Children's Oncology Services of Col | 303-832-2667 | 1300 E 21st Ave | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Colorado Coalition for the Homeless | 303-293-2217 | 2111 Champa St | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Denver Federation of Colored Womans | 303-298-1373 | 3401 Race St | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Full Circle Inter Generational Pr | 303-333-7595 | 3050 Richard Allen Ct | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Meals on Wheels Metro Denver Voluntee | 303-294-0111 | 2660 Larimer St | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Sacred Heart House of Denver | 303-296-6686 | 2844 Lawrence St | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Salvation Army The | 303-295-3366 | 2201 Stout St | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Urban Peak Resource Center | 303-292-0641 | 2062 Stout St | Denver | CO | 80205 |
V O A Men's Rehabilitation | 303-295-2165 | 2877 Lawrence St | Denver | CO | 80205 |
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