Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Denver, CO 80205
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Denver CO should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Anchor Center for Blind Children | 303-377-9732 | 3801 Martin Luther King B | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Annunciation Convent | 303-296-8132 | 1408 E 36th Ave | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Barrett Elementary School | 303-388-5841 | 2900 Richard Allen Ct | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Bruce Randolph Middle School | 303-320-5606 | 3955 Steele St | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Columbine Elementary School | 303-388-3617 | 2540 E 29th Ave | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Columbine Primary Center | 303-333-9372 | 2727 Columbine St | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Crofton-Community Ed | 720-424-8240 | 2409 Arapahoe St | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Denver County School District 1 | 303-297-0313 | 2949 California St | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Denver County School District 1 | 303-861-1310 | 2480 Downing St | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Denver County School District 1 | 303-296-8412 | 1350 E 33rd Ave | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Denver County School District 1 | 303-333-4293 | 2401 E 37th Ave | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Denver County School District 1 | 303-292-5515 | 3620 Franklin St | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Hope Center Children's Program | 303-388-4801 | 3400 Elizabeth St | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Inner City Christian School Partners | 303-296-4801 | 2609 Lawrence St | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Institute of Global Scholarship | 303-832-6393 | 2454 Washington St | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Pioneer Charter School | 303-329-8412 | 3230 E 38th Ave | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Schools-Public | 720-423-6300 | 1700 E 28th Ave | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Schools-Public | 303-293-2653 | 3240 Humboldt St | Denver | CO | 80205 |
Schools-Public | 720-424-7860 | 410 Park Ave W | Denver | CO | 80205 |
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