Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Colorado Springs, CO 80909
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Colorado Springs CO should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Apostolic Assembly of the Faith in Ch | 719-591-0685 | 3701 E San Miguel St | Colorado Springs | CO | 80909 |
Ascension Lutheran Church Elca | 719-634-1694 | 2505 N Circle Dr | Colorado Springs | CO | 80909 |
Audubon Heights Baptist Church | 719-635-3371 | 2404 N Union Blvd | Colorado Springs | CO | 80909 |
Church of God of Colorado Spring | 719-577-9066 | 627 N Circle Dr | Colorado Springs | CO | 80909 |
Circle Drive Baptist Church | 719-596-4461 | 801 N Circle Dr | Colorado Springs | CO | 80909 |
Circle Drive Baptist Church on Wheel | 719-630-0839 | 623 Tia Juana St | Colorado Springs | CO | 80909 |
Divine Redeemer Catholic Church | 719-633-5559 | 1520 E Yampa St | Colorado Springs | CO | 80909 |
East United Methodist Church | 719-634-2801 | 1505 E Monument St | Colorado Springs | CO | 80909 |
Eastborough Church of the Nazarene | 719-596-1929 | 4123 E Pikes Peak Ave | Colorado Springs | CO | 80909 |
Faith Presbyterian Church | 719-596-4895 | 1529 N Circle Dr | Colorado Springs | CO | 80909 |
First Friends Church | 719-635-4011 | 2748 E Pikes Peak Ave | Colorado Springs | CO | 80909 |
First Southern Baptist Church | 719-633-4625 | 1409 Palmer Park Blvd | Colorado Springs | CO | 80909 |
Freedom Baptist Church | 719-596-5499 | 312 Auburn Dr | Colorado Springs | CO | 80909 |
Greater Tri Rock Baptist Church | 719-385-0311 | 1204 E Bijou St | Colorado Springs | CO | 80909 |
Heart of the Springs Church | 719-632-1565 | 2726 N Union Blvd | Colorado Springs | CO | 80909 |
Heritage Wesleyan Church | 719-634-5787 | 827 N Union Blvd | Colorado Springs | CO | 80909 |
Highland Park Baptist Church | 719-633-6479 | 2315 N Circle Dr | Colorado Springs | CO | 80909 |
Holy Cross Lutheran Church | 719-596-0661 | 4125 Constitution Ave | Colorado Springs | CO | 80909 |
Household of Faith Church Training | 719-380-9573 | 3980 E San Miguel St | Colorado Springs | CO | 80909 |
Jordan's Crossing Apostolic C Hur | 719-573-2288 | 628 N Circle Dr | Colorado Springs | CO | 80909 |
Korean Baptist Church | 719-591-9056 | 807 N Circle Dr | Colorado Springs | CO | 80909 |
Mt Calvary Lutheran Church Elca | 719-634-1053 | 1318 N Circle Dr | Colorado Springs | CO | 80909 |
Northeast Bible Chapel | 719-632-2350 | 1722 McArthur Ave | Colorado Springs | CO | 80909 |
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church | 719-633-7204 | 2715 E Pikes Peak Ave | Colorado Springs | CO | 80909 |
Payne Chapel Ame Church | 719-591-6271 | 3625 Marion Dr | Colorado Springs | CO | 80909 |
Pike's Peak Baptist Association | 719-635-0026 | 1515 N Academy Blvd | Colorado Springs | CO | 80909 |
Preeminence Christian Fellowship | 719-630-3508 | 1841 N Circle Dr | Colorado Springs | CO | 80909 |
Seventh Day Baptist Church of Color | 719-548-1098 | 1218 Prairie Rd | Colorado Springs | CO | 80909 |
Shiloh Chapel | 719-633-1464 | 1724 E Pikes Peak Ave | Colorado Springs | CO | 80909 |
St Paul's United Methodist Churc | 719-634-7046 | 2111 Carlton Ave | Colorado Springs | CO | 80909 |
Vietnamse Evangelical Baptist Church | 719-635-8873 | 619 Tia Juana St | Colorado Springs | CO | 80909 |
Zion United Metro Church | 719-473-7988 | 629 Swope Ave | Colorado Springs | CO | 80909 |
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