Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Colorado Springs, CO 80918
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Colorado Springs CO should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
American Bible Society | 719-266-8446 | 5350 Tomah Dr | Colorado Springs | CO | 80918 |
Campus Crusade for Christ | 719-593-8200 | 5801 N Union Blvd Ste 201 | Colorado Springs | CO | 80918 |
Christian International | 719-599-4477 | 5881 N Academy Blvd | Colorado Springs | CO | 80918 |
Church of Christ | 719-598-0344 | 5905 Flintridge Dr | Colorado Springs | CO | 80918 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 719-528-1226 | 4955 Meadowland Blvd | Colorado Springs | CO | 80918 |
Community Church of the Rockies | 719-531-6900 | 5620 Dublin Blvd | Colorado Springs | CO | 80918 |
Cornerstone Baptist Church | 719-593-7887 | 3615 Vickers Dr | Colorado Springs | CO | 80918 |
Covenant Fellowship Church | 719-531-0050 | 6575 Oakwood Blvd | Colorado Springs | CO | 80918 |
Creative Faith Ministries | 719-599-3505 | 4615 Northpark Dr Ste 101 | Colorado Springs | CO | 80918 |
Fellowship Bible Church | 719-593-2007 | 5590 N Nevada Ave | Colorado Springs | CO | 80918 |
Grace Bible Church | 719-598-6688 | 5075 Flintridge Dr | Colorado Springs | CO | 80918 |
Hope Chapel of Colorado Springs | 719-266-4585 | 2122 Vickers Dr | Colorado Springs | CO | 80918 |
Hosanna Christian Church | 719-596-3312 | 5440 N Union Blvd | Colorado Springs | CO | 80918 |
Living Hope Covenant Church | 719-531-5101 | 6750 Union Blvd | Colorado Springs | CO | 80918 |
Nor'wood Bible Church | 719-597-8422 | 5865 Templeton Gap Rd | Colorado Springs | CO | 80918 |
Northside Church of Christ | 719-598-8722 | 5975 N Academy Blvd Ste 111 | Colorado Springs | CO | 80918 |
Orchard Foundation | 719-268-7200 | 5225 N Academy Blvd Ste 100 | Colorado Springs | CO | 80918 |
Rocky Mountain Calvary Chapel | 719-597-1133 | 4285 N Academy Blvd | Colorado Springs | CO | 80918 |
St Patrick's Church | 719-598-6109 | 6455 Brook Park Dr | Colorado Springs | CO | 80918 |
Vista Grande Church of God | 719-598-5511 | 4870 Flintridge Dr | Colorado Springs | CO | 80918 |
Vista Grande Community Church Uted Chu | 719-599-3057 | 5460 N Union Blvd | Colorado Springs | CO | 80918 |
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