Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Attorneys in Lakewood, CO 80215
* Each listing below of Attorneys Information for Lakewood CO should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Alley Hartley D Atty | 303-431-8060 | 12499 W Colfax Ave | Lakewood | CO | 80215 |
Bowes John C Law Office | 303-231-0888 | 720 Kipling St Ste 201 | Lakewood | CO | 80215 |
Brant Graf Llc | 303-238-9700 | 710 Kipling St Ste 305 | Lakewood | CO | 80215 |
Brown Bruce Attny at Law | 303-234-1400 | 12600 W Colfax Ave Ste C400 | Lakewood | CO | 80215 |
Butler Landrum & Pierce Pc | 303-237-0978 | 11712 W 21st Pl | Lakewood | CO | 80215 |
Cohen Michael A | 303-232-4883 | 10403 W Colfax Ave Ste 610 | Lakewood | CO | 80215 |
Cummings Tawni | 303-274-4300 | 665 Holland St | Lakewood | CO | 80215 |
Dennis G Bonner Pc | 303-985-4830 | 10395 W Colfax Ave Lbby | Lakewood | CO | 80215 |
Dugan Carl W Atty | 303-237-9302 | 10111 W 26th Ave Ste 100 | Lakewood | CO | 80215 |
Ewing Lena Atty | 303-984-5245 | 10395 W Colfax Ste 200 | Lakewood | CO | 80215 |
Fleming Williams S | 303-233-2984 | 2201 Kipling St Ste 102 | Lakewood | CO | 80215 |
Hartman John P Atty | 303-232-4949 | 2201 Kipling St Ste 101 | Lakewood | CO | 80215 |
Henry & Henry Professional Co | 303-985-0088 | 2540 Swadley St | Lakewood | CO | 80215 |
Hoover David S Atty | 303-202-1111 | 2145 Kipling St | Lakewood | CO | 80215 |
Kelble David L Atty Jr | 303-232-5606 | 710 Kipling St Ste 402 | Lakewood | CO | 80215 |
Laenen D E | 303-237-3369 | 2555 Routt St | Lakewood | CO | 80215 |
Law Office of Lauren Kelly Pc | 303-763-2813 | 1701 Kipling St Ste 204 | Lakewood | CO | 80215 |
Law Office of Sally Macluckie Llc | 303-232-2447 | 3000 Youngfield St Ste 275 | Lakewood | CO | 80215 |
Miller Claudia D | 303-233-2166 | 720 Kipling St Ste 110 | Lakewood | CO | 80215 |
Miller Dale E | 303-988-5100 | 10395 W Colfax Ave Ste 200 | Lakewood | CO | 80215 |
Thome Dennis W Atty | 303-274-4050 | 1510 Glen Ayr Dr | Lakewood | CO | 80215 |
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