Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Grand Junction, CO 81501
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Grand Junction CO should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Agape Pianos Clocks & Gifts | 970-434-1277 | 3261 Patterson | Grand Junction | CO | 81501 |
American Lutheran Church | 970-242-7835 | 1350 N 7th St | Grand Junction | CO | 81501 |
Bookcliff Baptist Church | 970-243-9285 | 12th & Patterson | Grand Junction | CO | 81501 |
Christian Science Church | 970-242-0933 | 535 N 7th St | Grand Junction | CO | 81501 |
Church of Christ of Grand Junction | 970-245-4210 | 2893 F Patterson Rd | Grand Junction | CO | 81501 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 970-242-6437 | 2281 Orchard Ave | Grand Junction | CO | 81501 |
Clifton Bible Chapel | 970-434-6047 | 523 Rood Ave # 32 | Grand Junction | CO | 81501 |
Elementary Thru High Schools | 970-245-2838 | 840 N 11th St | Grand Junction | CO | 81501 |
Elm Ave Baptist Church of Grand Juncti | 970-243-8541 | 1510 N 17th St | Grand Junction | CO | 81501 |
First Baptist Church | 970-242-5645 | 7th & Grand | Grand Junction | CO | 81501 |
First Congregational Church | 970-242-0298 | 1425 N 5th St | Grand Junction | CO | 81501 |
First United Methodist Church | 970-242-4850 | 522 White Ave | Grand Junction | CO | 81501 |
Global Heart Spiritual Center | 970-242-2043 | 1622 Glenwood Ave | Grand Junction | CO | 81501 |
Healing Rooms of Grand Junction | 970-245-8599 | 229 S 9th St | Grand Junction | CO | 81501 |
Heart of Junction | 970-245-9140 | 801 Gunnison Ave | Grand Junction | CO | 81501 |
Living Hope Evangelical Free Church | 970-243-0402 | 2840 1/2 Rd | Grand Junction | CO | 81501 |
Mesa Avenue Church of Christ | 970-243-2880 | 539 28 1/2 Rd | Grand Junction | CO | 81501 |
New Life Church | 970-255-9383 | 2403 N 12th St | Grand Junction | CO | 81501 |
Pear Park Baptist Church | 970-434-4113 | 3102 E Road | Grand Junction | CO | 81501 |
Seventh-Day Adventist | 970-242-7747 | 730 Mesa Ave | Grand Junction | CO | 81501 |
Sisters of Charity | 970-242-1555 | 2562 Mira Vista Rd | Grand Junction | CO | 81501 |
Uncompahgre Unitarian Universalist So | 970-257-0772 | 1060 North Ave | Grand Junction | CO | 81501 |
Valley Church | 970-241-8563 | 106 North Ave | Grand Junction | CO | 81501 |
Valley Church of Christ | 970-245-5112 | 491 Sparn St | Grand Junction | CO | 81501 |
White Hall Wedding Facilities | 970-241-6880 | 300 N 6th St | Grand Junction | CO | 81501 |
Zion Assembly of God | 970-243-0757 | 2867 Orchard Ave | Grand Junction | CO | 81501 |
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