Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Grand Junction, CO 81506
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Grand Junction CO should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Calvary Bible Church | 970-242-9121 | 629 27 1/2 Rd | Grand Junction | CO | 81506 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 970-241-1662 | 830 Bermuda Ct | Grand Junction | CO | 81506 |
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day S | 970-242-0022 | 2655 G 1/2 Rd | Grand Junction | CO | 81506 |
Elementary Thru High Schools | 970-243-2999 | 2702 Patterson Rd | Grand Junction | CO | 81506 |
First Presbyterian Church | 970-242-1923 | 3940 27 1/2 Rd | Grand Junction | CO | 81506 |
Grace Point Church | 970-241-7026 | 606 28 3/4 Rd | Grand Junction | CO | 81506 |
Grand Junction Church of Christ The | 970-245-4210 | 2893 Patterson Rd | Grand Junction | CO | 81506 |
Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic C | 970-242-6121 | 790 26 1/2 Rd | Grand Junction | CO | 81506 |
Saint Matthew's Episcopal Churc | 970-242-3293 | 3888 27 1/2 Rd | Grand Junction | CO | 81506 |
Spiegelberg Thomas Rev | 970-243-3626 | 632 26 Rd | Grand Junction | CO | 81506 |
St Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church | 970-242-9590 | 3585 N 12th St | Grand Junction | CO | 81506 |
Unity Church | 970-243-3550 | 3205 N 12th St | Grand Junction | CO | 81506 |
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