Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Social Services in Grand Junction, CO 81501
* Each listing below of Social Services Information for Grand Junction CO should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Adult & Family Services | 970-241-3658 | 245 S 1st St | Grand Junction | CO | 81501 |
American Red Cross | 970-242-4851 | 506 Gunnison Ave | Grand Junction | CO | 81501 |
Catholic Outreach | 970-257-9062 | 302 Pitkin Ave | Grand Junction | CO | 81501 |
Colorado State Government | 970-245-2100 | 2800 D Rd | Grand Junction | CO | 81501 |
Court Appointed Special Advocates | 970-242-4191 | 600 White Ave Ofc | Grand Junction | CO | 81501 |
Crime Stoppers of Mesa Cty Inc | 970-241-7867 | 625 Ute Ave | Grand Junction | CO | 81501 |
Day House | 970-256-2400 | 838 Grand Ave | Grand Junction | CO | 81501 |
Food Stamps | 970-241-8480 | Mesa County Governme | Grand Junction | CO | 81501 |
Hilltop | 970-243-8800 | 3203 N 15th the Fountains | Grand Junction | CO | 81501 |
Human Services | 970-256-2405 | 1105 Colorado Ave | Grand Junction | CO | 81501 |
Kids Voting Mesa County | 970-245-3414 | 2523 N Westgate Dr | Grand Junction | CO | 81501 |
March of Dimes | 970-243-0894 | 518 28 Rd Ste A106 | Grand Junction | CO | 81501 |
Mesa Developmental Services | 970-243-3702 | 950 Grand Ave | Grand Junction | CO | 81501 |
Mesability Inc | 970-245-2626 | 201 South Ave | Grand Junction | CO | 81501 |
Monterey Park Apts | 970-242-6682 | 999 Bookcliff Ave | Grand Junction | CO | 81501 |
Partners Inc | 970-245-5555 | 1169 Colorado Ave | Grand Junction | CO | 81501 |
Rescue Mission of Grand Junction | 970-243-2333 | 550 South Ave | Grand Junction | CO | 81501 |
Senior Citizens Services | 970-263-9092 | 2232 N 7th St Ste 2 | Grand Junction | CO | 81501 |
Shambhava School of Yoga | 970-243-2993 | 832 Rood Ave | Grand Junction | CO | 81501 |
Western Slope Center for Children | 970-245-3788 | 259 Grand Ave | Grand Junction | CO | 81501 |
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