Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Greeley, CO 80631
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Greeley CO should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Abundant Life Fellowship | 970-353-2553 | 1201 4th Ave | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
Bethel Community Ministries | 970-352-7373 | 2307 17th Ave | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
Brown Dennis J Rev | 970-353-1778 | 1402 9th St | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
Calvary Baptist Church | 970-353-4072 | 1002 19th Ave | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
Campus Crusade for Christ | 970-352-9284 | 2042 8th Ave | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
Celebration Congregation | 970-346-6111 | 1113 8th Ave | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
Christ Community | 970-353-1159 | 1301 15th St | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
Christ's Christian Church | 970-352-5563 | 675 E 20th St | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
Church of the Living God Cwff | 970-378-7904 | 3001 8 Ave | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
Church Women United | 970-353-7144 | 1031 4th St | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
Fellowship Chapel | 970-378-7216 | 2100 22nd St | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
First Baptist Church | 970-352-5931 | 10 Avenue & 11 | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
First Church of Christ Scientist | 970-352-0109 | 824A 9th St | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
First Congregational Church of Untd | 970-353-0828 | 2101 16th St | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
First Spanish Baptist Church | 970-352-1126 | 1200 3rd Ave | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
First United Methodist Church of Greel | 970-353-5522 | 917 10th Ave | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
First United Presbyterian Ch | 970-352-3030 | 1321 9th Ave | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
Good Shepard Apastolic | 970-356-8873 | 925 B St | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
Greeley Mennonite Church | 970-353-7224 | 402 11 | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
Greeley Missionary Baptist Church | 970-346-9458 | 919 18th Ave | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
Immanuel Lutheran Church | 970-352-3003 | 1865 14th Ave | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
Kersey Community Church | 970-353-6460 | S First St | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
Our Savior's Lutheran Church | 970-352-4816 | 1800 21st Ave | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
Salvation Army | 970-346-1661 | 1119 6th St | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
St Patrick Presbyterian Church | 970-346-8812 | 803 10th Ave | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
St Paul's Congregational | 970-353-5500 | 43rd Ave | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
Templo Evangelico | 970-352-9268 | 1326 7th Ave | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
The Rock | 970-351-0325 | 623 8th Ave | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
Unitarian Universalist Church of Greel | 970-351-6751 | 929 15th St | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
Victory Ministries | 970-352-0855 | 2435 8th Ave | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
Vineyard Christian Fellowship | 970-352-5591 | 1015 9th Ave | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
Waypoints Faith Community | 970-352-7000 | 719 21st St | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
Women's Ministries Center | 970-395-0082 | 1019 10th Ave | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
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