Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Organizations in Greeley, CO 80631
* Each listing below of Organizations Information for Greeley CO should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. | Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Alpha Phi Sorority | 970-353-1888 | 814 19th St | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
Catholic Charities Farm Labor Housing | 970-346-2888 | 2500 1st Ave | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
Colorado Sugarbeet Growers | 970-352-6875 | Greeley National Ban | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
Delta Zeta Sorority | 970-356-2400 | 1717 10th Ave | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
Disabled American Veterans Home | 970-352-6188 | 1830 8th Ave | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
Greeley Board of Realtors Inc | 970-353-8884 | 819 11th St | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
Greeley Education Assoc | 970-392-9672 | 1116 13th St | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
League of Women Voters Greeley Weld Co | 970-356-3178 | 1916 9th St | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
National Onion Association | 970-353-5895 | 822 7th St Ste 510 | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
Our Lady of Peace Church | 970-353-1747 | 1311 3rd St | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
Vfw Pioneer Post | 970-352-1028 | 2514 7th Ave | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
Weld Food Bank | 970-356-2199 | 1108 H St | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
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