Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Public Schools in Greeley, CO 80631
* Each listing below of Public Schools Information for Greeley CO should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Billie Martinez Elementary Scho | 970-348-1800 | 341 14th Ave | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
Cameron Elementary School | 970-348-1000 | 1424 13th Ave | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
East Memorial Elementary Scho | 970-348-1400 | 614 E 20th St | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
Frontier Academy | 970-330-1780 | 2560 W 29th St | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
Greeley Central High School | 970-348-5000 | 1515 14th Ave | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
Heath Middle School | 970-348-3400 | 2223 16th St | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
Jackson Elementary School | 970-348-1500 | 2002 25th St | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
Jefferson Elementary School | 970-348-1600 | 1315 4th Ave | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
John Evans Middle School | 970-348-3600 | 2900 15th Ave | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
Maplewood Middle School | 970-348-3800 | 1201 21st Ave | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
Poudre River Learning Center | 970-352-1705 | 8313 W F St | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
Schools-Public | 970-348-3550 | 1401 22nd Ave | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
Schools-Public | 970-348-6000 | 2508 4th Ave | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
Schools-Public | 970-348-6400 | 2204 5th Ave | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
Schools-Public | 970-348-2500 | 1400 E 20th St | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
Schools-Public | 970-348-6800 | 155 E 27th St | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
Schools-Public | 970-304-6275 | 2200 O St | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
Schools-Public | 970-339-9153 | 2500 W 29th St | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
Schools-Public | 970-352-2201 | 2350 W 3rd Street Rd | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
St Mary's Catholic School | 970-353-8100 | 2351 22nd Ave | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
Weld Opportunity School | 970-351-7472 | 2505 1st Ave | Greeley | CO | 80631 |
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