Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Auto Repair in Bridgeport, CT 06610
* Each listing below of Auto Repair Information for Bridgeport CT should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
Barnum Auto Center | 203-576-0868 | 1198 Barnum Ave | Bridgeport | CT | 06610 |
Boccanfuso Sons Llc | 203-335-7667 | 99 Dover St | Bridgeport | CT | 06610 |
Briarwood Service Center Inc | 203-333-9242 | 2596 E Main St | Bridgeport | CT | 06610 |
City Line Auto Body Sales & Service | 203-380-8512 | 31 Sage Ave | Bridgeport | CT | 06610 |
Cortigiano's Snow Removal Service | 203-367-8858 | 818 Boston Ave | Bridgeport | CT | 06610 |
Dave's Shell Service | 203-330-0872 | 1917 Boston Ave | Bridgeport | CT | 06610 |
E S Automotive Operations Llc | 203-332-4555 | 425 Boston Ave | Bridgeport | CT | 06610 |
International Transmission | 203-366-5276 | 520 Boston Ave | Bridgeport | CT | 06610 |
Jiffy Lube | 203-576-0343 | 2144 E Main St | Bridgeport | CT | 06610 |
Pep Boys Automotive Supercenters | 203-335-6137 | 513 Boston Ave | Bridgeport | CT | 06610 |
Small's Automotive & Sales | 203-366-3145 | 185 Dover St | Bridgeport | CT | 06610 |
Unique Automotive | 203-368-1199 | 42 Bond St | Bridgeport | CT | 06610 |
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