Local Phone Numbers and Addresses for Churches in Hartford, CT 06105
* Each listing below of Churches Information for Hartford CT should be verified with a phone call before you visit the business. |
Business Name | Phone | Address | City | State | Zip |
All Saints Orthodox Church Oca | 860-523-0334 | 205 Scarborough St | Hartford | CT | 06105 |
American Baptist Churches of Con | 860-236-5421 | 100 Bloomfield Ave | Hartford | CT | 06105 |
Asylum Av Baptist Church | 860-522-9350 | 868 Asylum Ave | Hartford | CT | 06105 |
Breakthrough To the Aging | 860-236-1295 | 60 Lorraine St | Hartford | CT | 06105 |
Church of Latter Day Saints | 860-278-9046 | 50 Atwood St | Hartford | CT | 06105 |
Connecticut Catholic Conference | 860-524-7882 | 134 Farmington Ave | Hartford | CT | 06105 |
Connecticut Conference United Church O | 860-233-5564 | 125 Sherman St | Hartford | CT | 06105 |
First Church of Christ Scientists | 860-236-4676 | 235 Scarborough St | Hartford | CT | 06105 |
Grace Lutheran Church Elca | 860-527-7792 | 46 Woodland St | Hartford | CT | 06105 |
Hartford Missionary Baptist Church | 860-525-2560 | 243 Farmington Ave | Hartford | CT | 06105 |
Immanuel Congregational Church | 860-527-8121 | 10 Woodland St | Hartford | CT | 06105 |
Loaves & Fishes Ministries Inc | 860-524-1730 | 360 Farmington Ave | Hartford | CT | 06105 |
Prospect Bible Chapel | 860-233-3040 | 576 Prospect Ave | Hartford | CT | 06105 |
Sisters of Mercy | 860-236-1494 | 35 Oxford St | Hartford | CT | 06105 |
Unitarian Meetinghouse | 860-233-9897 | 50 Bloomfield Ave | Hartford | CT | 06105 |
United Methodist Church of Hartford | 860-523-5132 | 571 Farmington Ave | Hartford | CT | 06105 |
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